
dà shī
  • master;guru;great master;grandmaster;virtuoso
大师 [dà shī]
  • (1) [great master;master]∶指造诣深、享有盛誉的学者、专家、艺术家、棋手等

  • 象棋大师

  • (2) [Great Master]∶佛的十尊号之一。即天人师。佛教徒称佛,也用作对和尚的尊称

  • 诸山东大师无不涉《尚书》以教矣。 --《史记.伏生列传》

大师[dà shī]
  1. 看看这所谓大师级探员能否想的到。

    Let 's see if the great master " agent " can figure it out .

  2. 是老石头,还是大师?&论后新时期文化语境中的鲁迅

    Is He " an Old Stone " or " a Great Master "? On Lu Xun in the Culture of " Post New Period "

  3. 贾尼斯∙乔普林就是众所周知的摇滚乐大师。

    Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock .

  4. 制胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。

    The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself .

  5. 很明显这是工艺大师的作品。

    It is clearly the work of a master craftsman .

  6. 制作这个蛋糕的人真是个艺术大师。

    Whoever made this cake is a real artist .

  7. 每个俄罗斯人都知道这本寓言式小说,《大师和玛格丽特》。

    Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita .

  8. 作为一位技艺非凡的大师,他声誉日隆。

    He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso .

  9. 国际象棋大师们以性格怪异和好与人争辩而闻名。

    Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative

  10. 许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。

    Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters .

  11. 画展上有卡尔帕乔、卡纳莱托和瓜尔迪等大师们的油画作品。

    The show includes canvases by masters like Carpaccio , Canaletto and Guardi .

  12. 时装大师们常表达一些离奇的想法,诸如让身材肥胖的人穿上紧身裤。

    Fashion gurus dictate crazy ideas such as squeezing oversized bodies into tight trousers .

  13. 不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。

    You don 't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves .

  14. 明天他将迎战同是台球大师俱乐部出道的球手。

    Tomorrow he will play his Cuemasters stablemate .

  15. 澳大利亚国际象棋顶级大师伊恩·罗杰斯和6位对手下盲棋,战胜了5位。

    The Australian chess grandmaster Ian Rogers took on six opponents blindfold and beat five .

  16. 美国的本·霍根再次夺得高尔夫大师锦标赛冠军。

    The Masters golf tournament was won a second time by the American Ben Hogan .

  17. 这部由恐怖片大师萨姆·莱米倾力执导的影片几乎可以稳拿奥斯卡提名奖。

    The film — tautly directed by horror-meister Sam Raimi — is almost assured an Oscar nomination .

  18. 再过几个小时,世界上的大多数顶级高尔夫球手将在美国大师赛上开球。

    In a few hours time most of the world 's top golfers tee off in the US Masters .

  19. 他是一名语言大师。

    He is an artist with words .

  20. 小和尚不远千里来到这里,请求大师点化。

    The little monk came all the way here in a hope that the master could point out the correct path for him .

  21. 像脸书、推特等类似网络服务是应运而生的操纵大师,这些产品如此完美,让人们欲罢不能。

    Online services like Facebook , Twitter and the like , are called out of manipula-tion — making products so good that people can 't stop using them .

  22. 昆曲艺术的传承:从大师到弟子

    Passing on the Kunqu Art : From Master to Disciples

  23. 他是一位国际大师,这意味着我能在这场比赛中向最优秀的人学习。

    He was an international grandmaster , which meant I would be learning from one of the game 's best .

  24. 作为一位著名的钢琴大师,帕德雷夫斯基受到许多人的钦佩。

    As a famous piano master , Paderewski was admired by many people .

  25. 大师深深地感动了大家,那位母亲也很震惊。

    The people were touched so much by the master and the mother was shocked .

  26. 年迈的大师和年轻的初学者一起,将这个尴尬的局面变成了一次奇妙的创作体验。

    Together , the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience .

  27. 你会听到大师在你耳边轻声说道:“别停下,继续弹!”

    You can hear the voice of the master , whispering in your ear , " Don 't stop . Keep playing . "

  28. 这时,伟大的钢琴大师出现了,他迅速地走向钢琴,在男孩的耳边低声说:"不要停,继续演奏。"

    At the moment , the great piano master appeared , moved to the piano quickly , and whisperedin the boy 's ear , " Don 't stop . Keep playing . "

  29. 听到这些徒弟很伤心(sad),但他同意(agree)照大师所说的去做。事情正和大师提到(mention)的一样。

    The disciple was sad to hear all this , but he agreed to do as he had promised .

  30. 在他们的对话(conversation)之后不久,大师死了,四只猪仔出生了。

    Soon after this conversation , things happened just as the guru had mentioned . The guru died . Four baby pigs were born .