
  • 网络Oceania;Oceanian
  1. 党说,大洋国从来没跟欧亚国结过盟。

    The party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with eurasia .

  2. 眼前大洋国是在同哪个国家打仗?

    Which power is Oceania at war with ?

  3. 第一次,大洋国的版图遭到入侵的威胁。

    For the first time , the territory of Oceania itself is threatened by invasion .

  4. 大洋国在同东亚国作战:大洋国一向是在同东亚国作战。

    Oceania was at war with eastasia : oceania had always been at war with eastasia .

  5. 大洋国就是世界。

    Oceania is the world . '

  6. 他是大洋国政府的英雄。自家粪堆上,公鸡称英雄。

    Hero of the State of Oceania ,,, A cock is valiant on his own dunghill .

  7. 大洋国没有首都,它的名义首脑是个动向去处谁都不知道的人。

    Oceania has no capital , and its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows .

  8. 大洋国社会的根本信念是,老大哥全能,党一贯正确。

    Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible .

  9. 目前在大洋国,旧观念的科学几乎已不再存在。

    In Oceania at the present day , science , in the old sense , has almost ceased to exist .

  10. 比方说现如今,是一九八四年,大洋国跟欧亚国打仗,跟东亚国结盟。

    At this moment , for example , in1984 , Oceania was at war with Eurasia and in alliance with eastasia .

  11. 大洋国占南北美,大西洋各岛屿,包括英伦三岛,澳大利亚和非洲南部。

    Oceania comprises the Americas , the Atlantic islands including the British Isles , Australasia , and the southern portion of Africa .

  12. 而他,温斯顿-史密斯,却晓得迟至四年以前,大洋国便跟欧亚国结过盟。

    He , Winston Smith , knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago .

  13. 了解这个背景以后,对于大洋国社会的总结构,即使还没有了解,也可以由此作出推断。

    Given this background , one could infer , if one did not know it already , the general structure of oceanic society .

  14. 这种矛盾的统一的奇怪现象知与无知,怀疑与狂热是大洋国社会主要特点之一。

    This peculiar linking-together of opposites knowledge with ignorance , cynicism with fanaticism is one of the chief distinguishing marks of Oceanic society .

  15. 从集体来说,大洋国里什么都是属于党的财产,因为什么都归它控制,它有权按它认为合适的方式处理产品。

    Collectively , the Party owns everything in Oceania , because it controls everything , and disposes of the products as it thinks fit .

  16. 可其实,温斯顿就知道,迟至四年以前,大洋国便是跟东亚国打仗,跟欧亚国结盟。

    Actually , as Winston well knew , it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with EastAsia and in alliance with eurasia .

  17. 这不仅是丧失中非问题,而且在整个战争中,大洋国本土第一次受到了威胁。

    It was not merely a question of losing central africa : for the first time in the whole war , the territory of Oceania itself was menaced .

  18. 在老大哥之下是核心党,党员限在六百万人,即占大洋国人口不到百分之二。

    Below Big Brother comes the Inner Party , its numbers limited to six millions , or something less than 2 per cent of the population of Oceania .

  19. 如果让他们控制了整个非洲,让他们取得好望角的机场和潜艇基地,大洋国就要切成两半。

    If they could get control of the whole of Africa , if they had airfields and submarine bases at the Cape , it would cut Oceania in two .

  20. 除了战俘以外,大洋国普通公民从来没有见到过欧亚国或东亚国的一个公民,而且他也不得掌握外语。

    War prisoners apart , the average citizen of Oceania never sets eyes on a citizen of either Eurasia or eastasia , and he is forbidden the knowledge of foreign languages .

  21. 这些小岛屿实为大洋国,其陆地面积只是其国土的一隅,其经验与蓝色星球上的所有居民休戚相关。

    These small islands are really vast ocean States whose land area is only a part of their territory and whose experience is vital for all the inhabitants of our blue planet .

  22. 他活在什么鬼知道的地方,尽干些策划阴谋诡计的勾当没准儿在海外,得到他外国主子的庇护;没准儿就藏在大洋国里有时还真有这样的谣传。

    Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies : perhaps somewhere beyond the sea , under the protection of his foreign paymasters , perhaps even so it was occasionally rumoured in some hiding-place in Oceania itself .

  23. 欧亚国的边界在刚果河盆地与地中海北岸之间伸缩,印度洋和太平洋的岛屿则不断被大洋国或东亚国轮流占领。

    The frontiers of Eurasia flow back and forth between the basin of the Congo and the northern shore of the mediterranean ; the islands of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific are constantly being captured and recaptured by Oceania or by eastasia ;

  24. 大洋钻探与我国地球科学的发展

    Ocean drilling program and development of Earth Sciences in China