
  • 网络greater manchester
  1. 大曼彻斯特郡索尔福德市的Lemon小姐,很快就忘了她的一时兴起之举,后来她嫁为人妇,也有了自己的孩子。

    Miss Lemon , of Salford , Greater Manchester , soon forgot about her act of whimsy , eventually marrying and having a child herself .

  2. 尊敬的大曼彻斯特地区女王代表史密斯爵士

    Sir Warren Smith , Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester

  3. 来自大曼彻斯特区索尔福德的卖方杰拉德·格雷表示,最后成交价远远超出了他的预期。

    The seller , Gerald Gray , from Salford in Greater Manchester , said the winning bid far exceeded his expectations .

  4. 大曼彻斯特市长安迪·伯纳姆表示,他希望大多数人能将自己的车换为单车。

    Andy Burnham , the mayor of Greater Manchester , said he hopes many people will swap their cars for bikes .

  5. “2个人抢了钱和珠宝,然后就溜了,”大曼彻斯特警局的发言人说。

    " Two men stole cash and jewellery from the victims before running out of the house ," a spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said .

  6. 孩子被迅速送到了大曼彻斯特郡巴古雷市乐购门店附近的医院,直到第二天早上4点才出院。

    The child was rushed to hospital from the Tesco store in Baguley near Manchester , and was not discharged until 4am the next morning .

  7. 西北急救中心说本区包括大曼彻斯特警方现在只响应紧急呼叫。

    The North West Ambulance Service has declared the region as a major incident area and Greater Manchester Police are now responding to emergency calls only .

  8. 尊敬的曼彻斯特市长哈克特先生,尊敬的大曼彻斯特地区女王代表史密斯爵士,尊敬的曼彻斯特城市大学校长布鲁克斯先生,尊敬的倪坚总领事,女士们,先生们:

    Sir Warren Smith , Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Professor John Brooks , Vice Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University , Consul-General Ni Jian , Ladies and Gentlemen ,

  9. 这个班上的孩子只有七岁,听到老师这样说后,他们都哭了起来,并在回家后把这件事告诉了父母。这所“布莱克肖街”小学位于英国大曼彻斯特郡奥德海姆市附近的罗顿区。

    The class of seven-year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School , Royton , near Oldham , Greater Manchester burst into tears and told their parents when they got home .

  10. 香农现在是大曼彻斯特波尔顿大学的一名学生,她说:我就像是从昏迷中醒来,睡眠剥夺了我的正常生活。

    Shannon , a college student in Bolton , Greater Manchester said : It is like being awake in a coma . It takes part of your life away with it .

  11. 卢克梦想成为一名火车司机。他渊博的交通知识曾帮助他和父亲仅仅依靠公共交通设施从大曼彻斯特的奥尔德姆到达布列尼塔(法国西北地区)。

    Luke , who wants to be a train driver , is so knowledgeable that he managed to get himself and his father from his home in Oldham , Greater Manchester , to Brittany using only public transport .

  12. 上周一,埃尔希·罗斯第一次和父母艾米·杜拉克、路易斯·坦普尔以及七岁的姐姐利比出门,却在位于大曼彻斯特郡巴古雷市的乐购门店被人打了。

    Elsie Rose was on her first outing with her parents , Amy Duckers and Lewis Temple , and her seven-year-old sister , Libby , when she was hit at the Tesco store in Baguley , Greater Manchester , last Monday .