- 网络West Midlands County

Chief Constable Chris Sims of West Midlands police said some were " astonishingly young " .
This is being considered by West Midlands Police 's Professional Standards Department and the officer who shared the picture , PC Mark Tissington , referred himself to the internal discipline unit . Sources say he is unlikely to be reprimanded .
DCI Julian Harper , from West Midlands Police , said : ' The Professional Standards Department is looking into this , early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer . The matter will be investigated . '
The WorldFirst team , from Warwick University , in Coventry , West Mids , hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season .
The case of a West Midlands pupil suffering from infected toes because his feet had been squashed into shoes'way too small'was cited by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers .
Second was " Dark Ruby " from the Sarah Hughes brewery of Dudley in the West Midlands and third was " Maggs'Magnificent Mild " by the West Berkshire brewery in the town of Yattendon .
The form was pinned up at a West Midlands Police station last week for the amusement of colleagues , who are often at odds with the Crown Prosecution Service ( CPS ) over the handling of cases .