
dà xué chénɡ
  • University Town;college town
  1. 没有哪个地方能像大学城那样让你感到未老先衰。

    There is nothing like a college town to make you feel old before your time .

  2. 最后得到福州市城区及大学城TD-SCDMA无线网络建设方案。

    In the end , we will obtain the TD-SCDMA network construction scheme of the common city proper and college town in FUZHOU .

  3. 大学城离此处还有两英里。

    The university town is two miles hence .

  4. 大学城的学生也可以进入数学圈促进高数学习。

    Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math : math circles .

  5. 牛津:由导游带领参观英格兰最古老的大学城和学院。

    Oxford : Includes a guided of England 's oldest university city and colleges .

  6. 本文旨在研究构建基于P2P网络的虚拟大学城所面临的基础性问题。

    This paper investigates the fundamental issues to deploy a P2P-based virtual university town .

  7. 基于P2P网络的虚拟大学城的构建

    The Deployment of P2P-based Virtual University Town

  8. 城市应急管理GIS模型与算法应用&以广州大学城为例

    The Research of City Emergency Management Model Based on GIS Technology & Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center as a Case Study

  9. 基于SWOT分析的广州大学城可持续发展研究

    A study on sustainable development of the Guangzhou University City Based on SWOT analysis

  10. CALIS与大学城图书馆文献资源的建设

    CALIS and the construction of document resources in university towns

  11. 以福州大学城周边地区为例,探讨了利用3S技术对小区域生态环境变化进行综合分析的实用方法。

    Giving the college town for exampling , there discusses using the 3S technology to synthetically analyze the ecological environment change of small areas .

  12. 方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编的一般情况问卷对309名大学城周边农村妇女进行调查。

    Methods 309 rural women around the university city area were tested with symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 scale ) and self-made general condition questionnaire .

  13. 美国联邦航空管理局(简称FAA)选择了弗吉尼亚州的一个大学城作为六个无人机试验基地之一。

    The Federal Aviation Administration , or FAA , has chosen a university town in Virginia as one of six places to test drones .

  14. 本文结合广州大学城华工校区绿化二期工程实践,对将PDCA理论运用在园林工程施工管理上进行了初步探索,希望能为ISO在园林行业的应用起到参考和推动作用。

    The article using the second phased campus landscape project of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou-University-city as an example , tentative apply the PDCA theory into the landscape project construct control .

  15. 文献资源建设是大学城图书馆建设的核心,它的最基本原则应该是与CALIS的总体发展目标相一致。

    The construction of document resources is the core of the construction of libraries in university towns whose basic principles should be in accordance with the CALIS overall target .

  16. 文章阐述了大学城图书馆文献资源的建设应与CALIS有机结合,通过协调采购、联机合作编目、馆际互借、文献传递、参与特色数据库的建设等方式走整体化建设的发展道路。

    The article expounds that the construction of the information resources of libraries in university towns should be closely connected with CALIS , through the channels of collaborating purchasing , online cataloging , interlibrary loans , document deliveries , etc.

  17. 大学城建设的条件和模式研究

    Research on the Qualification and Mode of the College City Construction

  18. 济南市长清大学城中心区城市设计

    Urban Design for Central District of Changqing University Park , Ji'nan

  19. 广州大学城规划咨询及发展规划综述

    The consideration for the development planning of the Guangzhou University City

  20. 对大学城新校区校园规划若干问题的思考

    Reflection on Some Problems in the Planning for the New Campus

  21. 以大学城的重庆大学为例。

    It is with the Chongqing university of college town exemple .

  22. 重庆大学城:谁能淘得第一桶金

    Chongqing University City Who Can Get the First Barrel of Gold

  23. 大学城高校图书馆联盟条件下的信息共享空间研究

    The Research of Information Commons Based on University Town Library Consortia

  24. 大学城景观环境设计的生态对策&以广州大学城为例

    Ecological Approach of the Landscape and Environment Design for College Town

  25. 上海沿大学城产业集群现状的调查与分析

    Analysis on the Industrial Clusters around the University Town of Shanghai

  26. 中国大学城现象的思考

    Reflection on the Phenomenon of " University Towns " in China

  27. 广州大学城分布式冷热电联供项目的启示

    An inspiration to guangzhou university town 's DES / CCHP project

  28. 广州大学城项目管理创新机制与制度的研究

    Study on the New Mechanism in Projects Management of Guangzhou University City

  29. 大学城的聚集与辐射效应分析

    An analysis of the Accumulating and Radiant Effect of the University City

  30. 大学城环境建设呼唤天人合一观

    The Environmental Construction of University Towns for Harmony Between Society and Nature