
bái tīng
  • Whitehall
白厅 [bái tīng]
  • [whitehall] 英国伦敦一条街的名字,英国主要政府机关都在这条街上。又代指英国官方

白厅[bái tīng]
  1. 英国政府首席科学家大卫•金爵士(SirDavidKing)辩称,《水平扫描》将对决策产生重大影响&这种影响不仅体现在白厅。

    Sir David King , the government 's chief scientist , argues horizon scanning will have a powerful influence on policy-making – and not only in Whitehall .

  2. 现在,白厅(Whitehall)就采取这种做法,今年早些时候还闹出一桩小小的丑闻——在那里上班的人得排队使用办公桌。

    Now they do it in Whitehall , where earlier this year there was a minor scandal over workers queuing for desks .

  3. 德雷森勋爵穿着牛仔裤和开领衬衫,看起来悠闲放松,没有一丝怀念白厅(whitehall)稀薄空气的迹象。

    Looking relaxed in jeans and an open-necked shirt , Lord Drayson shows no signs of missing the rarified air of Whitehall .

  4. 4月份,英国副首相尼克克莱格(nickclegg)表示,作为改善社会流动性举措的一部分,白厅(whitehall)将禁止非正式的实习生制度。

    In April , Nick Clegg , the UK Deputy Prime Minister , said Whitehall would ban informal internships as part of a drive to improve social mobility .

  5. 必须让伦敦白厅(Whitehall)的公务员、威斯敏斯特的国会委员会和布鲁塞尔的官员们明白,只有1万伏的电击才能救活英国这个病人。

    The civil servants in Whitehall , committees in Westminster and bureaucrats in Brussels must be told that only a 10,000 volt shock will rejuvenate the patient .

  6. 布罗格斯是在午夜的时候回到白厅内的陆军部的。

    Bloggs got back to the War Office in Whitehall at midnight .

  7. 如今,这四个口号在白厅仍时有所闻,仍左右着英国的政策。

    These four slogans are still heard in Whitehall and still shape policy .

  8. 白厅本身正度过一段艰难时期。

    Whitehall itself is going through a bad patch .

  9. 高盛还将通过白厅房地产基金为投资融资。

    The bank will also fund investments through its Whitehall real estate vehicle .

  10. 恐怕你只能自己去参观白厅了。

    I 'm afraid you 'll have to see Whitehall on your own .

  11. 我们以一顿愉快的午餐来庆祝这件事,然后就回白厅去了。

    We celebrated this occasion by a vivacious luncheon and then returned to Whitehall .

  12. 大臣声称政府计划正受到了“白厅”的阻挠。

    The minister claimed that the government 's plans were being obstructed by whitehall .

  13. 白厅里对于他的离职感到惋惜的人为数不多。

    Few in whitehall mourned his passing .

  14. 联合政府的出现还意味着,白厅内部风云突变。

    The arrival of the coalition also meant that the climate in Whitehall changed overnight .

  15. 然而仔细分析下政府咨询文件,向白厅内部工作人员交谈就会发现混乱的琐事就浮现出水面。

    Yet dig deeper into government consultation documents and speak toWhitehallinsiders and something messier swims into view .

  16. 实验经过表明,这些猴子所表现出来的是英国白厅研究发现的猴子版本。

    Experience has shown that these monkeys display the simian equivalent of the Whitehall studies ' findings .

  17. 当左派地方议会的古怪行把她激怒后,她把权力都收归到白厅;

    Infuriated by the antics of left-wing local councils , she ended up centralising power in Whitehall .

  18. 由于消息泄露给了新闻界,白厅有一些人将丢饭碗。

    As a result of the leak to the press , heads will roll in White hall .

  19. 此前还没有过类似的实验,白厅官员并不能保证它一定会成功。

    Nothing quite like it has been tried before ; Whitehall officials cannot guarantee that it will succeed .

  20. 太长时间以来,英国政府对各民族和各地区都实行白厅最懂政策。

    For too long , the British government has imposed a Whitehall-knows-best policy on the nations and regions .

  21. 此次研究的调查对象来自白厅二级定群研究,共5132人。研究人员对他们长达16年的健康数据进行了跟踪。

    Researchers tracked 16 years ' worth of health data from 5132 people in the Whitehall II study cohort .

  22. 如今的白厅仍然具有汉弗莱爵士所展示的那种影响力、道德观和文化吗?

    Does Whitehall today still have something of the influence , the ethics and the culture that Sir Humphrey exemplified ?

  23. 太长时间以来,英国政府对各民族和各地区都实行“白厅最懂”政策。

    For too long , the British government has imposed a " Whitehall-knows-best " policy on the nations and regions .

  24. 这会在白厅惹出许多麻烦,而现在那里的麻烦已经够多的了。

    It would cause too much fuss in Whitehall , he said , and there were enough problems there as it was .

  25. 除了减薪和冻结福利,英国政府还提出把白厅的多数预算削减25%。

    On top of pay cuts and benefit freezes , the government is proposing to slash most Whitehall budgets by 25 per cent .

  26. 公共服务将由市政厅而不是白厅来运作,并且越来越多的城市会选出拥有实权的市长。

    Public services would be run by town halls rather than Whitehall , and more cities would have elected mayors with real powers .

  27. 我表明想要脱离白厅街,事与愿违的是这反而增加了我的用处。

    I had made it clear that I wanted to get out of White Hall and , perversely , this increased my usefulness .

  28. 这份研究以将近6500名年龄在50岁到60岁之间的白厅(英国)公务员[微博]的健康状况为研究对象。

    Their study was based on almost 6,500 Whitehall civil servants , whose health was monitored between the ages of 50 and 60 .

  29. 这份研究以将近6500名年龄在50岁到60岁之间的白厅(英国)公务员的健康状况为研究对象。

    Their study was based on almost 6500 Whitehall civil servants , whose health was monitored between the ages of 50 and 60 .

  30. 这是对白厅和公共服务的一种辩护尽管汉弗莱的公众形象是喜欢操纵他人,但他会同意这点的。

    It was a defence of Whitehall and the public service that Sir Humphrey , for all his manipulative public persona , would have approved .