
bái hè
  • white crane
白鹤 [bái hè]
  • [white crane] 一种鹤,俗称仙鹤

白鹤[bái hè]
  1. 小学英语网络教学经验交流会在白鹤小学举行。

    An English experience exchanging meeting of primary school were held in white crane primary school .

  2. 西伯利亚鹤在中国被成为白鹤

    The Siberian Crane , known in China , the White Crane

  3. 方法:采用Border的方法,用阳离子化牛血清白蛋白制作家兔原位免疫复合物肾炎模型,随机分成治疗组和对照组,治疗组给予中药白鹤粉治疗5周。

    Methods : Rabbit models made by intra-venous administration of cationic bovine serum albumin ( C-BSA ) were randomly divided into treatment and control groups , treatment group was treated for five weeks with Baihe powder .

  4. 这个在动物界与众不同的爱情故事又两只名叫Malena和Klepetan白鹤来承诺,并且还会继续下去。

    And therefore this unique love story from the animal world of love and commitment of two white storks , called Malena and Klepetan , can still continue !

  5. 白鹤梁题刻保护规划总体方案

    Comprehensive plan for protection planning project of White Crane Ridge Inscription

  6. 白鹤梁题刻保护相关附属工程设计

    Design of relative ancillary works for preservation of White Crane Ridge Inscription

  7. 白鹤梁题刻水下保护工程安全监测系统设计研究

    On Safety Monitoring System of White Crane Ridge Inscription Underwater Protection Project

  8. 天妃以前的海洋保护神&白鹤崇和大帝赵炳

    The Former Ocean God & Whire Crane Mountain and Emperor Zhao Bing

  9. 基于小波理论的白鹤隧道围岩稳定性非线性研究

    Nonlinear Study on Surrounding Rock Stability of Baihe Tunnel Based on Wavelet Theory

  10. 芙蓉·白鹤·鼓琴&谈贺龙体育场的设计构思

    Lotus , white crane and drum-zither & The design idea of Helong Stadium

  11. 当书生白鹤再次回到了当初与爱人相遇的地方。

    When the scholar revisits their first meeting place , he feels heartbreaking .

  12. 他们相信白鹤会给父母带来婴儿。

    They believe that storks bring new babies to the parents ' home .

  13. 教我白鹤功的师傅说我的胃有问题。

    My White author Kung Fu officer said I had a breadbasket problem .

  14. 发现大群白鹤在中国越冬

    A large flock of white cranes ( grus leucogeranus ) wintering in China

  15. 白鹤展世界上最大的白鹤聚会,这里鸟类和..额。

    The biggest stork convention on the planet Earth , where birds and ...

  16. 每一年,白鹤都会为一件事情齐聚一堂

    Once a year , storks come together for one thing . Storkcon !

  17. 幸运地是,现在,白鹤现在加入了网购运输!

    Luckily , now , storks deliver packages for Corner store . com !

  18. 白鹤加压站离心压缩机防喘振控制系统

    Baihe Pressure Station Centrifugal Compressor Anti-surge Control System

  19. 白鹤发电厂日报数据预测及分析研究

    Research on Data Predict and Analysis for Daily Report System of Baihe Power Plant

  20. 白鹤庄重而安静地立在檬果树边的泥泽里。

    The crane stood grave and still in the swamp near the mango grove .

  21. 白鹤梁题刻保护工程的设计及运行

    Design and Operation of White-Crane Epigraph Protection Project

  22. 白鹤滩水电站的两台发电机组已投入运行。

    Two generating units at the Baihetan hydropower station have been put into operation .

  23. 对白鹤梁题刻本体保护工程设计进行了论述。

    This article describes the design of protection project for the White Crane Ridge Inscription .

  24. 迁徙也只是一个词语,用来形容西伯利亚白鹤飞越国界,而非难民。

    Migration was a term then still reserved for Siberian cranes , not human beings .

  25. 白鹤灵芝的研究进展

    Overview of Study Progress of Rhinacanthus Nasutus

  26. 包括那个白鹤溪吗?

    Saunders : Including Willet Creek Dam ?

  27. 珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和虎。

    Among the rare animals are cranes , black bears , leopards and Siberian tigers .

  28. 中药白鹤粉治疗肾小球肾炎的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Baihe Powder in Treatment of In Situ Immune Complex Glomerulonephritis in Rabbits

  29. 中国白鹤滩水电站的主体结构建设已经完成。

    Construction of the main structure of China 's Baihetan Hydropower Station has been completed .

  30. 重庆白鹤发电厂电容性设备绝缘在线监测技术的应用研究

    Research of Insulation On-ling Monitoring for Capacitive Equipment and Its Application in Chongqing Baihe Power Plant