
  • 网络Roman Pope;supreme pontiff
  1. 甚至到今天,她仍然承认罗马教宗的地位,并常常以玫瑰经与圣母一同祈祷,她非常敬爱圣母。

    And even today , she still acknowledge Roman Pope and usually pray with Virgin Mary by Rosary , she loves Mary very much .

  2. 11世纪晚期,亚历克赛一世?康尼努斯向威尼斯和罗马教宗寻求协助,随着这个结盟继之而来的是十字军的掠夺。

    In the late11th century , Alexius I Comnenus sought help from Venice and the pope ; these allies turned the ensuing Crusades into plundering expeditions .

  3. 在罗马,教宗本笃十六世任命女性出掌教廷高职位,这是前所未有的。

    In Rome , Pope Benedict XVI has placed women in unprecedented levels of curial authority .

  4. 罗马天主教宗方济各星期二抵达斯里兰卡,开始为期一个星期的亚洲之旅。他在斯里兰卡强调公正,和解与团结的必要性。

    Pope Francis has highlighted the need for justice , healing and unity in Sri Lanka , where he arrived Tuesday for the start of a week-long trip to Asia .

  5. 罗马天主教教宗方济各将向聚集在圣彼得广场上成千上万的人和世界各地更多的人发表他担任教宗以来的第二个圣诞致辞。

    Pope Francis is set to deliver his second annual Christmas blessing to thousands of people gathered in St. Peter 's Square and many more watching from around the world .

  6. 梵蒂冈西斯汀教堂屋顶上的小烟囱升起黑烟,表示天主教枢机主教星期三上午的投票未能选出新的罗马天主教教宗。

    Black smoke has emerged from a small chimney atop the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City , signifying the morning of voting by Roman Catholic cardinals has not yet produced a new pope .

  7. 梵蒂冈说,罗马天主教教宗方济各确认已故修女特蕾莎生前施展的第二次神迹,为册封她为圣人扫清了道路。

    The Vatican says Pope Francis , head of the Roman Catholic Church , has recognized a second miracle attributed to the late Mother Teresa , clearing the way for her elevation to sainthood .

  8. 罗马天主教宗方济各继续南美之行,星期三在玻利维亚访问。此前,他在厄瓜多尔的两次讲话中敦促信众向穷人伸出援手,并且要为子孙后代保护环境。

    Pope Francis continues his tour of South America in Boliva Wednesday , after urging the faithful to open their arms to the poor and preserve the environment for future generations during a pair of speeches in Ecuador .

  9. 莫拉莱斯是玻利维亚第一位原住民总统。他2006年就任后,玻利维亚天主教会和政府间的关系出现紧张,但2013年方济各出任罗马天主教教宗之后,关系有所改善。

    Relations between Bolivia 's Catholic Church and the Bolivian government became strained after Mr. Morales , the country 's first indigenous leader , first took office in 2006 , but have improved since Francis 's election in 2013 .

  10. 最近发生的若干起涉及罗马天主教教会或高级神职人员的事件引发了广泛的关注。罗马天主教宗方济各罕见地为与教会有关的丑闻道歉,尽管道歉比较模糊。

    Pope Francis has offered a rare , if vague , apology for scandals involving the Roman Catholic Church , after several high-profile gaffes that were linked to the church or its clergy .

  11. 自从基督教于将近1千年前分为罗马天主教和东正教两支以来,这将是伊斯坦布尔东正教教廷领袖首次出席罗马天主教教宗的即位典礼。

    He would be the first patriarch from the Istanbul-based church to witness a papal inauguration since the two branches of Christianity split nearly 1,000 years ago .