
  1. 当(帝国时代的)罗马骑士团成为帝国的另一特权阶层时,(奥古斯都的)新政权亦从而得到巩固。

    The new regime also saw the entrenchment of the equestrian order ( Imperial period ) as the empire 's second estate .

  2. 罗马人民对骑士们表示最崇高的敬意。

    Rome is most indebted to you noble knights .

  3. 多年来一直靠紧张激烈的对决以及古罗马式的骑士精神刺激观众神经的武侠电影,终于有一部用一段凄美的爱情故事征服了全世界。片中,两对心生爱慕的男女始终压抑着自己的情感。

    After spinning our heads for decades with its delirious showdowns and romanized notion of chivalry , the wuxia genre finally conquered the world with - of all stories - a poignant romance about two pairs of would-be lovers perpetually repressing their feelings .

  4. 《圣经》、希猎罗马神话、中世纪骑士精神与骑士传奇、文艺复兴与民谣等五个方面构成的文化背景对英国爱情诗创作有极其重要的影响。

    This paper presents an effort to analyze the influence of cultural background on the creation of love poems in English literature from the aspects of " Bible ", Greek and Roman mythology , Romance and the old song tradition .