
  • 网络Rovaniemi;Rvn;Rovaniemi Airport
  1. 位于罗瓦涅米的“北极雪”酒店正在寻找一名监测该地区北极光的季节工。

    The Arctic Snow Hotel in Rovaniemi is looking for a seasonal staff member to monitor Northern Lights in the region .

  2. 今年,随着圣诞临近,这些“正宗的圣诞老人”从罗瓦涅米一路赶来,给赫尔辛基人民带来圣诞祝福。

    As this year 's Christmas approaches , Santa Claus comes all the way from Rovaniemi to Helsinki to greet local residents .

  3. 芬兰北部城市罗瓦涅米的百余家商店、饭店和酒店一个月内就接受了支付宝。

    Alipay gained acceptance at more than 100 shops , restaurants and hotels in the northern Finnish city of Rovaniemi within a month .

  4. 记者这里是北极圈,确切地说,这是罗瓦涅米镇的边界,过去这里并不为芬兰以外的人所知晓。

    CORRESPONDENT This is the Arctic Circle , specifically the outskirts of a town called Rovaniemi , which used to be virtually unknown outside Finland .