
míng ní ā bō lì sī
  • Minneapolis
明尼阿波利斯[míng ní ā bō lì sī]
  1. 埃勒斯回到明尼苏达州,然后驱车100英里到明尼阿波利斯,让罗西搭上飞往密歇根的航班。

    Ehlers returned to Minnesota , and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan .

  2. 布什总统发誓要帮助明尼阿波利斯重建起这座坍塌的桥梁。

    President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis rebuild this collapse bridge .

  3. 明尼阿波利斯警察局在弗洛伊德死亡第二天就解雇了肖万和其他三名警察。

    The Minneapolis Police Department fired Chauvin and the three other officers the day after Floyd ’ s murder .

  4. 明尼阿波利斯的志愿者计划CoderDojoTwinCities便提供连续一整天的免费编程培训。

    CoderDojo Twin Cities , a Minneapolis-based volunteer program , holds free , daylong coding programs .

  5. 保罗·伯格朗德(PaulBerglund),TheBachelorFarmer,明尼阿波利斯

    Paul Berglund , The Bachelor Farmer , Minneapolis

  6. 但在NBA成立之初,湖人队在明尼阿波利斯打球。

    But when the NBA started , the Lakers were playing the Minneapolis .

  7. 哪个队在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯打了NBA的第一个赛季?

    What team played in Minneapolis , Minnesota during the NBA 's first season .

  8. ShirwaAhmed是土生土长的美国公民,居住在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯。

    Shirwa Ahmed was a naturalized American citizen living in Minneapolis , Minnesota .

  9. 米歇尔·格耶(MichelleGayer),SaltyTart,明尼阿波利斯

    Michelle Gayer , Salty Tart , Minneapolis

  10. 哈林篮球队在1948年及1949年打败全是白人的明尼阿波利斯湖人队(MinneapolisLakers),为NBA的种族融合作出了贡献。

    The Globetrotters have been credited with integrating the N.B.A. by beating the all-white Minneapolis Lakers in 1948 and 1949 .

  11. 翻修工程由明尼阿波利斯市Sala建筑公司的约瑟夫·麦茨勒(JosephMetzler)完成。

    Renovations were done by Joseph Metzler of Sala Architects in Minneapolis .

  12. 在去年发表在明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofMinneapolis)网站上的一篇采访中,他并不把批评宏观经济学的人放在眼里,认为他们太过无知、根本不值得对他们进行反驳。

    In an interview published last year on the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis website , he dismissed critics of the state of macroeconomics as too ignorant to deserve a response .

  13. “每到这个时候,政治讨论往往就会异常热烈起来,”明尼阿波利斯的沟通培训公司RoshiniPerformanceGroup的主管以及《有话好好说!》(CommunicateThat!)一书的作者罗什尼•拉基库玛表示。

    " Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around , " says roshini Rajkumar , head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm roshini performance group and author of a book called communicate that !

  14. 午睡还可能影响智力表现。同样在明尼阿波利斯发表过成果,来自福罗里达大学的JoeMcNamara及其同事对此有所研究。

    Napping may also affect mental performance , according to Joe McNamara and his colleagues at the University of Florida in Gainesville , who also presented their results in Minneapolis .

  15. 在明尼阿波利斯,新的I-35大桥今早正式通行。

    The new I-35 bridge in Minneapolis opened for traffic this morning .

  16. 明尼阿波利斯礼仪顾问格雷琴・迪托(GretchenDitto)称,在飞机上使用手机可能会成为常事,因为我们对何时能联系到他人的期许已经发生了改变。

    Minneapolis etiquette consultant Gretchen Ditto says cellphone use likely will become commonplace on planes since our expectations have changed about when people should be reachable .

  17. 在明尼阿波利斯一家广告公司Olson担任创意总监的杰夫?伯格(JeffBerg)只拥有一间10英尺(约合3米)见方的办公室,里面最多只能摆放下一张办公桌和几个书架。

    Jeff Berg doesn 't have room for much more than a desk and shelves in the 10-by-10-foot office he occupies as a creative director at Olson , a Minneapolis advertising agency .

  18. 她在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)的住所附近教学生吹长笛,当她不得不批评学生的吹奏水平时,会尽量注意批评的动机。

    She teaches flute students near her home in Minneapolis , and when she has to criticize their performances , she tries to be mindful of her own motivation .

  19. 这个卖家据信可能是位名叫G·弗农先生的人,他通过住在明尼阿波利斯的艺术品商人汉密尔顿先生推销他的商品;在亚马逊上又与历史悠久的名家真迹企业EdBedrickAutographs合作。

    The seller is thought to be a Mr G Vernon , who is advertising his product via Mr Hamilton , an art dealer who lives in Minneapolis , and on Amazon with Ed Bedrick Autographs , a long-standing autographs business .

  20. 克里斯汀·拉内(KristenLanae)现年24岁,来自美国明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)。有着迷人身材的克里斯汀发掘了自己的天赋后,通过扮演世界最出名的女性角色克服了自尊不足的问题。

    Kristen Lanae , 24 , from Minneapolis , is the curvaceous woman who beat her low self-esteem by discovering her talent for transforming into any of the world 's most iconic female characters .

  21. 明尼阿波利斯去年曾经发生一起致命的枪击事件,而市长R.T.雷巴克已经成为枪支管制的主要声音。

    Minneapolis saw a deadly shooting spree last year , and Mayor R.T. Rybak has become a leading voice for gun control .

  22. 在金门大桥没有全面传感器健康监测系统喜欢新来的I-35安东尼瀑布桥在明尼阿波利斯,它确实有地震传感器。

    While the Golden Gate Bridge does not have an overall sensor-based health monitoring system like the new I-35 Anthony Falls Bridge in Minneapolis , it does have earthquake sensors .

  23. 古德伯格从小就不赞同这种观点。他在明尼阿波利斯的开明氛围里长大,“女性的力量在生活中随处可见,”儿时的玩伴杰弗里·达切斯(JeffreyDachis)曾在采访中说。

    Mr. Goldberg grew up to hold the opposite view , starting with his upbringing in progressive Minneapolis circles where " there was woman power in every aspect of our lives , " Jeffrey Dachis , a childhood friend , said in an interview .

  24. 3月31日,明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行行长卡拉亚纳柯薛拉柯塔(narayanakocherlakota)告诉《华尔街日报》,美联储可能将从今年年底开始升息。

    On March 31st Narayana kocherlakota , President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis , told the Wall Street Journal that rates would probably have to start rising by the end of the year .

  25. 在明尼阿波利斯市,志愿者们将重建社区中心。

    In Minneapolis , volunteers will help restore a community center .

  26. 今天,明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的温度是零下23度。

    In Minneapolis , Minnesota was 23 degrees below 0 today .

  27. 最初的计划是我们一起去明尼阿波利斯。

    The original plan had us all traveling to Minneapolis together .

  28. 开卷艺术中心,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,美国

    Open book , minneapolis , mn , usa , 2000

  29. 布什总统承诺将帮助明尼阿波利斯重建坍塌的大桥。

    President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis rebuild its collapsed bridge .

  30. 我还和明尼阿波利斯艺术中心有联系。

    I still have contacts with the Minneapolis art center .