
The US and EU should remain in lockstep and maintain economic sanctions on Moscow until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented .
It would be wise to assume that Minsk II is little more than a tactical pause .
The Minsk deal committed both pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian government forces to a cease-fire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons .
The Minsk II agreement will only succeed if Mr Putin has decided to tone down his confrontation with Ukraine and the west .
Though never properly honoured by the east Ukrainian separatists and their Russian backers , the Minsk accord remains a viable basis for a ceasefire that might pave the way to a broader settlement .
The political elements of the Minsk agreement , including the requirement that Kiev should decentralise powers to the rebel-held regions , and that Russia and its proxies return control of the international border to Ukraine , are yet to be implemented .
The communiqu é notes the Minsk agreement is not expected to be completed until December , sending a signal that the extension , once it is agreed , would be for six months rather than the full year of the original sanctions regime .
Secretary of State John Kerry called the elections a clear violation of the Minsk agreement .
Investors were cheered by a generally positive earnings season , as well as easing geopolitical concerns over Ukraine following the signing of a ceasefire in Minsk this week .
Russia has said it will recognize the results , while Ukraine , along with European governments and the United States , has said it will not , maintaining that the elections violated a cease-fire agreement signed in Minsk in September .