
  • 网络French history;history of France
  1. 他的分析源于对法国历史带有一定偏见的解读。

    His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history .

  2. 如今,你可以带回法国历史的一个缩影:可以燃烧的玛丽·安托瓦妮特(MarieAntoinette)或拿破仑(Napoleon)半身像。

    Today , you can take home your own piece of French history of sorts : a burning bust of Marie Antoinette or Napoleon .

  3. JenniferLinkletter:“法语是海地人的一部分,这个项目的目的,是让海地人接触法国历史和他们的法语渊源,并以此为骄傲。”

    JENNIFER LINKLETTER : " French is part of what it means to be Haitian , and the goal of the program is to get them

  4. 《三个火枪手》&法国历史通俗小说典范之作

    The Three Musketeers & A Model of French Popular Historical Novels

  5. 他们研究法国历史上所有的名人。

    They studied all the great names in the history of France .

  6. 法国历史上为何没有女王

    Study on no Reigning Queens in the History of France

  7. 法国历史最悠久的家族之一。

    It 's one of the olest families in france .

  8. 今天在法国历史上是很重要的一天。

    What the people wanted was a new French constitution .

  9. 缅因法国历史上西北部的一个地域和以前省份,位于诺曼底以南。

    A historical region and former province of northwest France south of Normandy .

  10. 法国历史园林保护理念和实践浅析

    Ideas and Practice of Historic Garden Preservation in France

  11. 1875年宪法是法国历史上实施时间最长的一部宪法。

    In1875 the French Constitution is the longest in history to implement a constitution .

  12. 法文的文法课本和法国历史课本对我来说似乎乏味极了。

    My French grammar book and French history book had seemed very dull to me .

  13. 在历史中再创造&当代法国历史建筑再利用的趋向

    Make out of the History : The Trend of Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings in Contemporary France

  14. 49岁的塞西莉亚将成为法国历史上首位拥有私人外交顾问的第一夫人。

    The 49-year-old Cecilia would be the first French first lady to have her own diplomatic advisor .

  15. 问题5:在法国历史主题公园里,这六只鸟被训练来做什么?

    Question 5 : What have six birds been trained to do at a French historical theme park ?

  16. 为了准备出行,他们参阅法国历史书籍,并用基本的法语对话来做训练。

    To prepare for it , they read French history and tested each other in basic French language .

  17. 将这引语说成出自玛丽王后之口,这毫无疑问是在法国历史上那个混乱的年代的一种反对王室的宣传。

    The attribution to Queen Marie is no doubt anti-royal propaganda during a very troubled time in French history .

  18. 本文试图对这一问题加以分析,以期更好的了解这一时期的法国历史。

    In this dissertation , I will try to analyze this issue in order to comprehend the French history deeply .

  19. 阿尔及利亚战争前后是法国历史上针对阿尔及利亚移民(以下简称阿移民)的种族歧视达到极端的时期。

    The racial discrimination against the Algerian immigrants before and after the Algerian War reached an extremity in French history .

  20. 这一政权因其对德合作及极端保守的施政纲领而成为了法国历史中不可抹去的污点。

    For its cooperation with Germany and the extreme conservative policy agenda It could never erase these stains from French history .

  21. 到那时,埃菲尔铁塔在法国历史上已经有了十分重要的地位,他们已经无法拆除。

    By that time , the tower was so firmly established in French history that they could not tear it down .

  22. 他说,比方说,一些土耳其的神职人员对法国历史一无所知,一些传道者不能说法语。

    He syas many Turkish clerics , for example , do not know anything about French history , some preachers cannot speak French .

  23. 法国历史文化遗产的概念从建筑发展到城市,从城市发展到区域,从文物建筑发展到景观。

    The notion of heritage in France has been evaluated from architecture to urban , from city to territory , from monument to landscapes .

  24. 南京城南历史城区保护的回顾与反思&借鉴法国历史地段保护经验

    Review and Reflect on the Protection of the Southern City Historical Area of Nanjing & By Referring to the Historical Area Protection Experience of France

  25. 伏尔泰影响了大批政治论者、哲学家、教育家、历史学家,是法国历史上最著名的人之一。

    Voltaire influenced political theorists , philosophers , educators and historians , and is one of the most celebrated citizens in the history of France .

  26. 法国历史文化遗产保护经历了300多年的历史,在历史建筑的保护及其再利用方面已经积累了丰富的经验和成果。

    France has gained rich experience and fruitful harvest in the protection and reuse of historic buildings after practicing in this field for more than 300 years .

  27. 发生在蒙田大道上的哈利·温斯顿珠宝店持械抢劫案是法国历史上最大胆的,当然也是最重大的珠宝抢劫案。

    The heist at the Harry Winston store on the luxury Avenue Montaigne was among the most daring and certainly the biggest jewel theft in French history .

  28. 至于我的太太,我必须先告诉您,她嫁给我是委屈了她的,因为她出身于法国历史最悠久的家庭。

    As for my wife , I must tell you , she lowered herself by marrying me , for she belongs to one of the most ancient families in France .

  29. 掀开法国历史的另一页,珍•拉巴斯担任艺术指导、弗兰西•贝诺•弗拉斯哥担任布景设计,在《欲望巴黎》里演绎出烹饪的完美境界。

    And from a different page in French history is the art direction of Jean Rabasse and the set decoration of Francoise Benoit Fresco that captured the culinary perfection of Vatel .

  30. 戴高乐不但是法国历史上一位伟大的政治家,同时也是世界外交史上一位杰出的外交家和战略家。

    Charles de Gaulle is not only a great statesman , diplomat and strategist in the history of France , but also an outstanding diplomat and strategist in the word history of diplomacy .