
  • 网络China Academy of Art;CAA;China National Academy of Art
  1. 因为湖在那里&时空变迁中的中国美术学院

    Lakeside & Campus of China Academy of Art in vicissitude

  2. 1965年生,中国美术学院综合艺术系研修班结业。

    Born in1965 , China academy of art integrated art department training certificate .

  3. 签名:ZK2008。于西美《马厩》作者简介:吕智凯,陕西人,1979年毕业于西安美术学院,1999年中国美术学院水彩高级研修班毕业。

    About the authors : CARBON Kay , Shaanxi , 1979 graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in1999 , China Academy of Fine Arts Watercolor advanced training class graduated .

  4. 中国美术学院摄影系2002级毕业作品

    2002 Graduate Works of Photography Department , Chinese Academy of Fine Arts

  5. 中国美术学院雕塑系教师第二回作品展&突围

    A Second Works Exhibition of Teachers of China Painting Institute

  6. 环境艺术的通境之路中国美术学院环境艺术设计专业教育访谈录

    A Way to Environmental Art An Interview with the Education of Environmental Design

  7. 中国美术学院公共艺术系

    Public Arts Department of China Academy of Fine Arts

  8. 毕业于浙江艺术学校、中国美术学院。

    Graduated from Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art and China Academy of Art .

  9. 原创精品:水墨般的中国美术学院建筑设计

    Original Product : The Design of China Academy of Art Like Water & lnk

  10. 你在杭州设计了中国美术学院象山校区?

    You designed the Xiangshan Campus at the Hangzhou National School of fine arts .

  11. 中国美术学院平面设计教育简史(1996-2007)

    A Concise History of Graphic Design Education of China Academy of Art ( 1996-2007 );

  12. 中国美术学院陶瓷美术教育简史(1960-2008)

    A Brief History of Ceramic Art Education in China Academy of Art ( 1960-2008 )

  13. 创意张江时尚传奇中国美术学院上海设计学院2006年毕业生服装秀

    Shanghai Design Institute 2006 Graduate Fashion Show

  14. 最初,丰江舟在中国美术学院造型学院学习美术教育。

    At first , he studied arts education in School of China Academy of Fine Art .

  15. 中国美术学院教师作品选

    Selected Works of Teachers

  16. 现为中国美术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员。

    Now she is a professor of China Fine Arts Academy , a member of Chinese Artists Association .

  17. 我能够进入中国美术学院,是因为我真的喜欢画画。

    I was able to get into the China Academy of Art because I really liked to paint .

  18. 皮埃尔·于贝尔奖资助的对象是中国美术学院新媒体系。

    The Pierre Huber Prize supports the students of the New Media Department of the China Academy of Art .

  19. 高世强出生于1971年,现任教于中国美术学院综合艺术系。

    Gao Shiqiang was born in1971.He currently teaches at the Department of Experimental Art of the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou .

  20. 他毕业于中国美术学院,曾任教于北京服装学院,直至1992年。

    He studied at the Chinese Academy of fine arts and taught art at the Beijing Institute of fashion design until 1992 .

  21. 联系地址:浙江省杭州市南山路218号,中国美术学院国画系。

    Address : Department of Chinese Painting , China Academy of Fine Arts , No.218 , Nanshan Road , Hangzhou , Zhejiang .

  22. 今天,新建的中国美术学院,又是根据潘天寿纪念馆的青砖石柱的基调阔展而来。

    China 's Academy of Fine Arts also retained this building tradition , as its new facilities all assume the familiar tone of grey bricks and stone pillars .

  23. 他同时还担任中国美术学院建筑艺术学院院长,在世界各地举办过讲座,其中包括哈佛大学。

    He also serves as head of the architecture department at the China Academy of Art and has been featured lecturer around the world , including at Harvard University .

  24. 先后承揽的主要工程有:中国美术学院、浙江省人民大会堂、杭州大剧院、浙江世贸中心等。

    Has the main works contract : China Academy of Fine Arts , Great Hall of the People in Zhejiang Province , Hangzhou Grand Theater , Zhejiang World Trade Center .

  25. 受父亲的影响,高敏从小就爱上了禾雕,后来又考上中国美术学院雕塑系。

    With his fathers influence , Gao Min became interested in wood carving from an early age , and later he was admitted to the China Academy of Fine Arts .

  26. 卓鹤君男,1943年出生于浙江杭州。中国美术学院教授、博士生导师,中国美术家协会会员。

    Zhuo Hejun , male , born in1943 in Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province , Professor and PhD Supervisor of China Academy of Art , and Member of China Artists Association .

  27. 中国美术学院教授、博士生导师、中国美术家协会会员,2002年应邀参加浙江省十大画家首都展。

    China fine arts college professor , Doctoral supervisor , Member of Chinese artists association . In2002 , was invited to attend the exhibition of the Top10 painter capital of zhejiang province .

  28. 当新媒体艺术家陆扬于2000年代初在杭州的中国美术学院学习时,她绘制了一系列有关精神控制的作品。

    While the new media artist Lu Yang was studying at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou in the 2000s , she drew up a series of works dealing with mind control .

  29. 自然建造,是中国美术学院建筑艺术学院院长王澍教授重建当代中国本土建筑学学术指导思想的核心内容。

    Natural construction is the keynote of the idea " to reconstruct the contemporary Chinese local architecture " proposed by Prof. Wang Shu , the dean of School of Architecture , China Academy of Art .

  30. 姜节泓在伯明翰艺术与设计学院任硕士和博士研究生导师,并于国内多所院校的硕士和博士课程客座任教,其中包括中央美术学院,中国美术学院和清华大学美术学院。

    He lectures both in the UK and in China , including the Central Academy of Fine Arts , China Academy of Art and Qinghua Institute of Art and Design , and supervises doctoral studies .