
  1. 中国载人航天工程办公室(CMSEO)表示,计划在2020年完成空间站,正好是国际空间站(ISS)计划退役的时间。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office has said it plans to complete the space station in 2020 , just as the International Space Station is scheduled to retire .

  2. 中国载人航天工程质量管理实践及思考

    The thought and practice of quality management in China Manned Space Engineering Program

  3. “神舟一号”无人试验飞船是中国载人航天工程的首次飞行,标志着中国在载人航天飞行技术上有了重大突破,是中国航天史上的重要里程碑。

    Shenzhou I experimental spaceship is the important milestone in China 's spaceflight history .

  4. 中国载人航天工程的外部设计

    External Design of Chinese Manned Spaceflight Engineering

  5. 中国载人航天工程办公室表示,神舟十二号载人飞船已经成功与在轨运行的中国空间站分离。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office says the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft successfully separated from China 's orbitting Space Station .

  6. 中国载人航天工程总设计师周建平表示,中国在未来十年将进行20次太空飞行。

    Zhou Jianping , chief desig ­ ner for the manned space programme , said China aimed to conduct 20 manned space voyages over the coming decade .

  7. 以载人航天为任务背景的航天医学工程学科在中国载人航天工程中发挥了重要的作用并得到了迅速发展。

    The subject of space medico-engineering which takes manned space flight as its own task , played an important role in China ′ s manned space project , and developed rapidly .

  8. 据中国载人航天工程发射场系统总指挥、酒泉卫星发射中心主任崔吉俊介绍,宇航员出舱将选择在神七在太空飞行的第29圈出舱。

    The space walk will happen when the aircraft is making its29th orbit , Cui Jijun , commander-in-chief of the ground operation team and director of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center , said .

  9. 市民欢迎,提交有关中国载人航天工程计划和国际空间站的空间站的建议和它的三个模块,以及符号。

    The public is welcomed to submit suggestions for the space station and its three modules , as well as symbols for the China Manned Space Engineering Program and the space station .

  10. 杨利伟在北京航天城的一次新闻访问中详解了中国载人航天工程的下一步。北京航天城是个研究和训练中心,正常不对公众开放。

    Yang Liwei detailed the next stages of China 's human spaceflight programme during a press visit to Space City in Beijing , a research and training centre normally closed to the public .

  11. 压电智能结构在航天、航空工程获得了广泛应用。中国载人航天工程决策过程中航天飞机与载人飞船之争

    Piezoelectric intelligent structures have been widely applied in aerospace engineering . Debate on the Priority Development of the Space Shuttle or the Manned Spacecraft During the Decision Making of China 's Manned Space Program

  12. 航母舰载机对空防御作战出航保障指挥决策建模中国载人航天工程决策过程中航天飞机与载人飞船之争

    Modeling of the Command and Decision System of Launching Preparations of Aircraft on a Carrier Debate on the Priority Development of the Space Shuttle or the Manned Spacecraft During the Decision Making of China 's Manned Space Program

  13. 这会引发起飞程序,使飞机在33英尺内升到空中。中国载人航天工程决策过程中航天飞机与载人飞船之争

    That triggers the takeoff sequence , which gets the plane airborne within about 33 feet . Debate on the Priority Development of the Space Shuttle or the Manned Spacecraft During the Decision Making of China 's Manned Space Program

  14. 同样是在该新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程办公室主任王兆耀表示,我国将在明年上半年发射第一艘货运飞船天舟一号,与天宫二号完成对接。

    Also at the news conference , Wang Zhaoyao , the agency 's director , said that the country will launch its first cargo spacecraft , Tianzhou 1 , in the first half of next year to dock with Tiangong II .

  15. 孙来燕说,中国会继续载人航天工程,并会尝试太空行走及兴建太空站。

    China will continue manned space missions , and would attempt the spacewalk and docking vessels in space , Sun said .

  16. 中国第一次载人航天工程和三峡工程开工排名在前。宇宙飞船的问世导致了航天工程的出现。

    China 's first manned space mission and the start of operations at the Three Gorges Dam top the list . The advent of aircraft brought with it aeronautical engineering .

  17. 此次天宫一号与神舟九号宇宙飞船的成功交会与对接,标志着中国太空对接技术的巨大突破,也标志着中国载人航天工程在完成第二战略目标中决定性的进步。

    The successful rendezvous and docking between the target orbiter Tiangong-1 and the Shenzhou IX spacecraft marks a significant breakthrough in China 's space docking technology , and it also marks decisive progress in fulfilling the second strategic target of China 's manned space program , reads the note .