
yuè lǜ
  • temperament
乐律 [yuè lǜ]
  • [temperament] 见音律

乐律[yuè lǜ]
  1. 当代中国乐律学研究述要

    The Summary of Contemporary Study of Musical Temperament in China

  2. 两套新郑出土编钟的乐律学分析

    The Temperament of Two Sets of Bells Newly Discovered in Xinzheng Town

  3. 关于中国古乐律教学的有关问题研究

    A research on the instruction of the Chinese ancient musical scales

  4. 在我们中国,乐律有好几种呢。

    In our china , however , several systems were proposed .

  5. 有韵律的节拍是组成乐律的基本要素。

    Stress is the rhythm constituting the basic element of music melody .

  6. 明代朱载堉在乐律学研究方面有着重要的贡献。

    Zhu Zaiyu in Ming Dynasty contributed to the research on theory of music temperament .

  7. 《乐律全书》是明代嘉靖至万历年间产生的一部具有世界先进水平的巨著。

    Yuel ü quanshu is a great work on the level with advanced world music theory .

  8. 小提琴的乐律学理论与实践

    Theory & Practice of Violin Temperament

  9. 作为优秀歌手,对歌词和乐律要有深刻了解。

    To be an excellent singer , one must comprehend words of a song and its temperament deeply .

  10. 曾侯乙编磬上的铭文给我们展示了中国先秦时期的乐律学成就,但器上太多的残缺仍给理解带来许多困难。

    The inscriptions on the arranged chimes by Zeng Houyi show us the achievements in music and temperament before Qin Dynasty .

  11. 打谱的过程,涉及到音乐史学,版本学、文献学、乐律学、历史学、指法翻译及琴谱考证等诸方面的问题。

    This process involves the fields of music historiography , edition , literature , tone-system , historiography , fingering translation and textual research .

  12. 《太平经》不仅记载了我国古代最早的道教音乐理论,而且对乐律与人的身心健康的关系给予了相当的重视。

    The Taiping Jing not only records the earliest Taoist musical theories of our ancient country , but also attaches importance to the relation of music and health .

  13. 乐律学是研究律制构成与应用的科学,是中国独有的、专门研究音乐中音高规范的一门艰深的音乐基础理论。

    The study of musical temperament is a science to research the composing and application of the temperament system , which is an abstruse basic music theory only in China .

  14. 自然倍音列对于早期人类的乐律思维具有重要的影响,人类早期的音阶必然是在倍音列的感知和制约下建立起来的自然音阶;

    The natural overtone series had an important influence to the early human musical ideas , and the early scales certainly are natural series based on the perception and limitation of overtone series ;