
yuè qì
  • musical instrument;instrument;axe
乐器 [yuè qì]
  • [musical instrument;instrument] 能发乐音、供演奏音乐用的器具

乐器[yuè qì]
  1. 多数小学生都学习演奏乐器。

    Most pupils learn a musical instrument .

  2. 学一门乐器能引导孩子了解音乐。

    Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music .

  3. 他获得木管乐器组一等奖。

    He won first prize in the woodwind section .

  4. 鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。

    Drums are basic to African music .

  5. 他在学习演奏乐器吗?

    Is he learning an instrument ?

  6. 管乐器部吹奏得美极了。

    The wind played beautifully .

  7. 那个老人在教她弹弦乐器。

    The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments .

  8. 许多别的乐器她也演奏得相当出色。

    She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments

  9. 他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。

    He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece .

  10. 鼓是最古老的乐器之一。

    The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments .

  11. 这部电影探究了艺术家和乐器之间的关系。

    The film explores the relationship between artist and instrument .

  12. 他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。

    They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion .

  13. 语言是一种精心调试的乐器,破坏它就是一种罪过。

    A language is a finely tuned instrument which it is a crime to damage

  14. 明亮的橙色灯光下,这些乐器闪闪发光。

    The instruments glowed in the bright orange light

  15. 他伴着原声乐器独唱了一组歌曲。

    He plays a solo acoustic set .

  16. 在印度和巴厘岛,学生们在开始学习乐器之前要先学习唱歌。

    In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments .

  17. 你可以把声音协调一下,让它成为乐队的另一种乐器。

    You can blend in so that the voice becomes just another instrument in the band .

  18. 你还记得那时候大家都有些厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声而拔掉电子乐器回归到原声状态吗?

    Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic ?

  19. 他通过这种乐器把声音扩大了。

    He amplified the sound through the musical instrument .

  20. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。

    String instruments are a category of musical instrument .

  21. 小提琴拉得与其他乐器不谐调。

    The violin was out of harmony with the rest of the instruments .

  22. 他会演奏钢琴、小提琴及其他几种乐器。

    He can play piano , violin and several other instruments .

  23. 乐队中有人能兼奏铜管乐器吗?

    Can any of the players double in brass ?

  24. 铜管乐器的声音太吵了。

    The brass is 〔 are 〕 too loud .

  25. 大多数小乐队都配有低音弦乐器。

    Most small orchestras have a string bass .

  26. 他善于辨别乐队里不同乐器的声音。

    He is good at distinguishing the sounds of different instruments in an orchestra .

  27. 这些乐器属学校所有。

    These musical instruments belong to the school .

  28. 这是一部可以用乐器演奏的作品。

    It is an instrumental work .

  29. 也许你应该学一种乐器。

    Perhaps you should take lessons on a musical instrument .

  30. 我看不出乐器如何能帮助改善公众的礼仪。

    I don 't see how musical instruments can help improve manners in public .