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  • 网络tremolo
轮指 [lún zhǐ]
  • [the fingers circular movement by playing a stringed musical instrument] 弹奏乐器的一种指法,几个手指连续弹拨丝弦,发出急促的乐声

  1. 如果谁的右手上下跳动,那么他的轮指一定有问题。

    For anybody who bounces , their tremolo will be a problem .

  2. 在练习轮指演奏时,你也应该试着用大音量和小音量来弹奏。

    With tremolo , you should also practice softer sound , harder sound .

  3. 试论琵琶轮指的训练

    Comment on the Training of Rotating Fingers in Pipa 's Playing

  4. 轮指是古典吉他最美的技巧之一。

    The tremolo is one of the most beautiful techniques of the classical guitar .

  5. 轮指与其他的技法又可组合成各种汇组的指法,使琵琶的表现力更加丰富多彩,变化无穷。

    The skill of rotating fingers can be combined with other skills and make Pipa more colorful and changeable .

  6. 有些人在一弦和二弦上演奏轮指有很大的不同。

    Some people use a very different tremolo on the first string than when they move on to the second string .

  7. 按照轮指演奏的特点,首先要了解并准确掌握轮指时手指运动的基本要领和要求;

    According to the characteristics of rotating fingers , we should first know and master the basic skills and requirements of the movement of fingers ;