
shí èr pínɡ jūn lǜ
  • twelvetone equal temperament
  1. 浅析巴赫十二平均律的舞曲因素及其演绎

    The Dance Factors in " J.S Bach the Well-Tempered Clavier " and the Deductions

  2. “新制律准”是世界上第一件建立在十二平均律理论基础上的弦乐器。

    His new Zhun is in fact the first string instrument in the world based on the theory of twelve-tone temperament .

  3. 任何两首不同风格之史卡拉第奏鸣曲或巴赫“四十八首十二平均律钢琴曲集”之任何一首。

    SCARLATTI any two contrasting sonatas of your own choice or BACH any one " Well Tempered Clavier " Prelude and Fugue .

  4. 首先从振动学上进行理论研究。吉他是基于十二平均律原理制造出的乐器,所以可由十二平均律计算出所有弦上每一品的频率值。

    The guitar is created based on the equal temperament principle , so we can use the theory to calculated the frequency of each rank of each string .

  5. 第二章对三种律制进行介绍、比较,并简单介绍了弹性十二平均律(复频弹性十二平均律)的理论。

    There is introduction comparison to the three temperament-systems and a brief introduction to the theory of equal temperament ( compound-frequency elasticity equal temperament ) in the second chapter .

  6. 与在中国的待遇不同,十二平均律在巴赫大师那里获得了新生,成为构建西方音乐不可缺少的一砖一瓦。

    As different as in china , twelve tone equal temperament got a new life from Bach , it became a important constituent in the construction of western music .

  7. 钢琴有着宏大的音量、立体的音色和善奏和声的特点,它遵循十二平均律,以半音为音高的最小单位。

    The piano has a great volume , stereo sound and playing the harmonic characteristics . It follows the law of twelve average . Semitone is the smallest unit .

  8. 尤其是他的《十二平均律曲集》,更是其集大成之作,这部被后世称为旧约全书的作品涵盖了无与伦比的作曲技巧和艺术精神。

    In particular , his " The Well-Tempered Clavier I & II ", which was later referred to as the " Old Testament " covering unparalleled composition skills and artistic spirit .

  9. 新竹笛,基本保持了普通六音孔竹笛的传统演奏方法和风格,同时可以方便的吹奏十二平均律。

    The new bamboo flute , which basically maintains the style and the traditional playing way of the ordinary bamboo flute , can be used to play the Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament conveniently .

  10. 他们创建的相对论、量子力学、十二平均律和工程控制论是人类智慧的结晶,是科学与艺术在自然界中完美统一的生动体现。

    The Principle of Relativity , the Quantum Mechanics , the Law of Twelve Average and the Engineering Cybernetics are the crystals of human wisdom and the lifelike embodiments of the perfect consolidation of science and art in nature .

  11. 最后借鉴李曙明先生的弹性十二平均律,利用扬琴同音异位之特点,结合民间音乐伴奏进行弹性十二平均律的简单应用,展现新律制音响,使其在实践中得到进一步的提升。

    Finally learn from Mr. Li ShuMing elasticity equal temperament the dulcimer homonym ectopic characteristics , combined with folk music accompaniment to a simple application of elasticity equal temperament , to show the sound of the new legal system , in practice be further improved .