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  1. 本文主体分为四部分,内容大致如下:第一部分:从历史小说的角度阐述《孽海花》的历史价值。

    The general content is as followed : The first part , we expound from the aspect of historical novel .

  2. 其次,《孽海花》对晚清历史的记录表现出了与传统历史小说不同的特点。

    Secondly , the history records of late Qing dynasty in Nie Hai Hua shows different characteristics with the traditional historical novels .

  3. 《孽海花》全面深刻地反映了这批达官名士最终被历史洪流吞没的悲剧命运。

    These high officials and famous literatis were engulfed by the history torrent at last . Nie Hai Hua reflects their tragic destiny completely and profoundly .

  4. 曾朴的《孽海花》是晚清的著名小说,1905年初版后,在读者中引起巨大的反响,获得人们好评,学者们纷纷进行考证与索引,它在当时被誉为巨擘、翘楚。

    Nie Hai Flower of Zeng Pu is a famous novel of Late Qing . After first edition in 1905 , it had a great impact on readers and was favorably reviewed by people . Many scholars indexed and did textual research on this book .