
  • 网络history of chinese medicine;Histore de la medecine chinsoie;Medical history in China
  1. 数字博物馆中主要展示内容包括中国医学史及中药两大部分。

    Manifestation contents in the digital museum are mainly two parts : history of Chinese medicine and Chinese pharmacy .

  2. 《黄帝内经》在中国医学史和中国文明史中发挥过重要作用。

    Huang Di Nei Jing has played an important role in the history of Chinese medicine as well as in the history of Chinese civilization .

  3. 中国医学史课程教改初探

    Preliminary Exploration on Teaching Reform of TCM Academic History Course

  4. 中国医学史教育在美国

    Education of Chinese Medical History in U.S.G

  5. 近五年来中国医学史研究在原有的基础上又有了新的进展。

    In recent five years , the research of Chinese medical history has made new progress on the basis of what has already been achieved .

  6. 中西医结合方针的确立和研究成果的不断取得,是20世纪中国医学史上的亮点之一。

    The establishment of the guideline of integrative medicine and the unceasing acquirement of researches are one of the light spots of Chinese medical history in the 20th century .

  7. 他们中很多人都领会到这本书的精髓,因此,成为了中国医学史上伟大的开拓者。

    All of them researched into this great book deeply and mastered the essence of this book and thus became the most famous practitioners of TCM in Chinese history .

  8. 《黄帝内经》是我国古代一部医学经典著作,同时它也是当之无愧的医学哲学之宗,在中国医学史上最早地研究了医学哲学问题,此书中蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想。

    The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor ( Huang Di Nei Jing ) is not only a medical classic , but also a philosophical one with abundant ideas of medical philosophy studied in it .

  9. 古今中医教育模式的比较研究建国初期的中医进修在当代中国医学史上占有特殊地位,它既不同于以往的中医教育模式,也与当时占主流地位的医学教育有很大差别。

    Comparison Between Ancient and Modern Education Modes of Traditional Chinese Medicine It became a center of traditional Chinese medical work . It differed from not only education pattern of TCM ago but also medical education .

  10. 建国前,中国军事医学史还是一片未开垦的处女地。

    Before Liberation , the study on Chinese military medicine is a virgin land .

  11. 李东垣的脾胃学说是中国医学发展史上的一个里程碑。

    Li Dongyuan s spleen stomach theory is a milestone in the history of traditional Chinese medicine .

  12. 带上人类学的眼镜看医学史&从席文对中国古代医学史的研究谈开去

    Study on the Medical History from the View of Anthropology & A Case of Sivin 's Study on the Medical History in Ancient China

  13. 根据国外医学课程设置调查、中国医学教学史研究与中国国内医学教学需求分析,国内医学院校开设医学术语教学课程有其必要性。

    It is necessary to offer the medical terminology as a required course in medical education in our country based on investigation of the curriculum of medical schools abroad , China medical teaching history and the current requirements of medical education at home .

  14. 本文是一部中国性医学发展史。

    This thesis carries on the overall treatise to the developing history of Chinese sexual medicine .

  15. 中国古代医学书籍发展史研究

    Study on the Development of Chinese Ancient Medicinal Books

  16. 这一发现有助于明确中医脉诊与《医典》中脉诊之间的关系,并为中国和阿拉伯医学交流史提供了新的参考。

    This discovery provides a new reference for the history of medical communication between Arab and Chinese medicine , and elucidates the relationship between the TCM pulse feeling and the sphygmology in Canon of medicine by avicenna , from Arab world .