
Sūn wǔ
  • Sun Tzu
  1. 孙武书院工程太阳能热水系统的应用

    Application of Solar Hot Water System in the Sunwu Academy Engineering

  2. 孙武与中庸思想

    Sun Wu and his thought of The Doctrine of the Mean

  3. 孙武、吴起兵法之比较

    Comparison of Sun Tzu and Wu Qi 's Military Strategy

  4. 《易·师》与孙武的军事思想

    The SHI Gua in Iching and Sunwu 's Military Thoughts

  5. 张剑飞向孙武介绍了长沙的一系列旅游资源。

    He later introduced Changsha 's rich tourism resources to Sun Wu .

  6. 我知道孙武写了《孙子兵法》。

    I know Sun Wu wrote the Art of War .

  7. 孙武的备战思想对未来高科技战争仍然有着重要的指导作用。

    Sun Wus military thought has a great significance to the future high-tech war .

  8. 在这不长的篇幅中,孙武全面论述了对战争的看法。

    In this limited space , Sun Wu expounds his wide-ranging views on war .

  9. 第一部分,介绍孙武及《孙子兵法》的成书过程。

    In the first part , the author Sun Wu and the formation of this book are introduced .

  10. 孙武不断重复他的命令,引申为现在成语就是“三令五申”了。

    From how Sun Wu repeated his orders comes the idiom " Repeating an order time and again " .

  11. 吴起与孙武齐名,却被小人所陷害,车裂而死;

    Wu rises and Sun Wu together , but be framed up by the mean person , car crack but die ;

  12. 本系列丛书包括《孙膑》、《司马穰苴》、《孙武》、《廉颇》四册。

    This series of books consists of four volumes : Sun Bin , Sima Rangju , Sun Wu , and Lian Po .

  13. 广饶是古代齐国的故地,也是古代著名军事家孙武的故里。

    Guangrao is the site of the ancient state of Qi as well as the birthplace of Sun Wu , a famous military strategist in ancient China .

  14. 孙武表示,长沙经济社会发展态势喜人,旅游资源特别是文化旅游和休闲旅游资源丰富,双方合作前景广阔。

    Impressed by Changsha 's economic and social development , Sun spoke highly of the city 's affluent tourism resources and expressed his confidence in further bilateral cooperation .

  15. 中国兵学鼻祖孙武,其《孙子》十三篇,向来被称为兵经,很少有人深入探讨它的文学价值及语言艺术。

    The thirteen Chapters of Sun Zi written by SUN WU the originator of Chinese military science is always regarded as a classical book on the art of war , but little attention has been paid on its literary value and language art .

  16. 那一时期是知识分子活跃的高潮时期,产生了很多著名的哲学家,象老子,孔子,孟子和墨子,以及著名的军事家孙武。

    During the spring and autumn and the Warring States periods , there was a great upsurge of intellectual activity , producing many famous philosophers , such as Lao zi , confucius , Mencius and Mo zi , and the well-known military scientist sun wu .

  17. 孙武(公元前535年~公元前480年),字长卿,齐国乐安(今山东惠民)人,春秋末年著名军事学家。世称“孙子”。

    Sun Wu ( 535 B. C. ~ 480 B. C. ) , whose courtesy name was Changqing , was born at Le'an ( now Huimin , Shandong Province ) . Revered as " Sun Zi , " he was a well-known military strategist in late Spring and Autumn Period .