
  1. 今年6月,韦里孙公司公布了新制定的“分享一切”套餐,允许用户为每个设备支付固定费率,同时每月为各设备共享的数据流量单独付费,数据流量从1GB到10GB不等。

    In June , Verizon unveiled its new Share Everything plans , which allow customers to pay a flat fee for each device , plus a single charge for shared monthly data , which ranges from 1GB to 10GB .

  2. 本文基于我国的国情,设计出我国国有商业银行股份制改革的合理的过渡模式是:有限责任母公司→股份有限子公司和有限责任子公司→股份有限孙公司→非独立分支行。

    The article basing our specified situation in China , designed the transition model for the reform of the commercial bank : limited parent company-shareholding subsidiary company and limited subsidiary company - shareholding grandson company - dependent branches .