
  1. 格力电器董事长董明珠在《福布斯》“中国杰出商界女性百强榜”中位居榜首。华为科技董事长孙亚芳位居次席。

    Gree Electric Appliances chairwoman Dong Mingzhu topped Forbes list of China 's top 100 businesswomen , followed by Sun Yafang , chairwoman of Huawei Technologies .

  2. 在全球电信产业激烈震荡的今天,素有“行业杀手”之称的孙亚芳在乱军之中引领华为稳步前行;

    Telecommunications are making a seismic shift from West to East , with Sun Yafang , nicknamed " the market killer ," leading the way at Huawei .

  3. 亚洲的女性企业家群体正在崛起,例如张欣(排名第50)、孙亚芳(排名第77)和周凯旋(排名第80)。

    Entrepreneurship is on the rise : see Zhang Xin ( No. 50 ) , Sun Yafang ( No. 77 ) and Solina Chau ( No. 80 ) .

  4. 上榜的科技界女性总共有16位,还包括谷歌的广告高级副总裁苏珊·沃西基(排名第30)和华为公司董事长孙亚芳(排名第77位)。

    There are 16 tech women in total , including also Susan Wojcicki , SVP of ads at Google ( No. 30 ) and Sun Yafang , chair of Huawei Technologies ( No. 77 ) .

  5. 去年晚些时候,中国报纸曾报道称,任正非正设法任命儿子任平进入董事会,并试图让孙亚芳离职,以便为领导权交接做准备。

    Late last year , Chinese press reports said Mr Ren was seeking to appoint his son Ren Ping to the board and trying to get Ms Sun to step down to prepare a leadership succession .