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  • Sun Hao;【人名】Hao Sun
  1. 正是基于该原因,来自密歇根大学化学工程专业的23岁的孙浩(音译)从求职大军中脱颖而出,于近日被德勤会计师事务所录用。

    That 's what made Sun Shao , 23 , a chemical engineering major from University of Michigan , stand out and land an offer from Deloitte recently .

  2. 东南大学应届毕业生孙浩(音译)是该校相声社的前社长。他表示,讽刺是校园相声的一个常见主题。

    According to Sun Hao , a recent graduate of Southeast University who is also the former president of his university 's cross talk club , sarcasm is a common theme in cross talk for students .