
kòng gǔ gōng sī
  • holding company;proprietary company
控股公司 [kòng gǔ gōng sī]
  • [holding company;proprietary company] 拥有别的公司的全部或部分股份的公司

控股公司[kòng gǔ gōng sī]
  1. 金融控股公司是一种金融制度的创新,它运用规模经济优势实现了资源利用的优化配置。

    Financial proprietary company is a new creation of financial system . It takes advantage of scale economics to achieve the optimization of resource usage .

  2. 金融控股公司作为我国从单一经营向混业经营转变的桥梁,更能适应金融服务融合和一体化的发展趋势,是一种合适的制度安排。

    As the bridge connecting the change from simplification to incorporation , financial proprietary company is a correct establishment because it can accommodate the development trend of combination of financial services better .

  3. 在美国成立了控股公司以出价竞购金斯顿通信公司。

    The US shell company was set up to mount a bid for Kingston Communications .

  4. 金融控股公司:加入WTO后我国金融业发展模式的现实选择

    Share-holding Financial Company : A Realistic Choice of the Developmental Model of Chinese Financial Industry after Joining WTO

  5. 事实上,TenthandBlake更像是一家控股公司。

    If anything , tenth and Blake is more like a holding company .

  6. 此外,约有100位村民拥有村里主要控股公司&深圳渔丰实业股份公司(ShenzhenYuFengIndustrialDevelopmentCo)的股票。该公司在临近的东莞经营工厂。

    In addition , about 100 villagers own shares in the community 's main holding company , Shenzhen Yu Feng Industrial Development Co , which manages factories in neighbouring Dongguan .

  7. DF股份有限公司作为一家上市国有控股公司,在其成功发展的历程中,财务战略发挥了重要的支持与保障作用。

    DF Limited Liability Company is a state-owned listed company , whose success is supported and guaranteed by its financial strategies .

  8. 2007年初该行向巴克莱银行(BarclaysBankPLC)投资30亿美元,协助后者竞购荷兰银行控股公司(ABNAMROHoldingN.V.),不过巴克莱在这场竞标中最终功亏一篑。

    Earlier in2007 , it invested $ 3 billion in Barclays PLC to help support the British bank 's ultimately unsuccessful bid for ABN Amro Holding NV .

  9. 英国CONSOL国际控股公司是世界著名投资财团。

    British CONSOL International Holding Company is the world 's leading investment consortium .

  10. 指出我国加入WTO后,面对国际金融业混业经营的世界趋势,发展商业银行混业经营是金融业应对挑战的必然选择,而实现这一目标的现实途径和理性选择是发展金融控股公司。

    After joined WTO , facing the trend of the joint management , to developing the joint management of the commercial bank is the necessary choice to cope with the challenge , while the transition way is to develop the banking holding companies .

  11. 佩奇在8月公布了他的分拆计划,将谷歌纳入控股公司Alphabet旗下,后者将把对“登月”计划的投资延伸到新的风险项目上,比如发射高空气球向贫穷国家及偏远地区提供互联网接入服务。

    Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet , a holding company that will take " moonshot " bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons to spread internet access to poor countries and remote areas .

  12. 拥有bridas的bulgheroni家族将通过新成立的合资控股公司,持有另外50%的股份。

    The bulgheroni family that owns bridas will keep a 50 per cent stake through a newly - created joint venture holding company .

  13. 另外,几周前,瑞典股东移动运营商TeliaSoneraAB和俄罗斯股东电信控股公司Altimo试图从土耳其大股东CukurovaHolding手中夺取Turkcell的掌控权。

    What 's more , shareholders TeliaSonera AB from Sweden and Altimo from Russia tried to seize control of the telecom company from the main Turkish shareholder , Cukurova Holding , several weeks ago .

  14. 几个月后,沙特石油的一家子公司收购了马来西亚控股公司UBG。公开记录显示,刘特佐及他代表的投资者在这家公司中持有大量股份。

    A few months later , a PetroSaudi subsidiary purchased a Malaysian holding company , UBG , in which Mr. Low and his investors held a substantial stake , according to public records .

  15. 积极鼓励、扶持发展金融控股公司;

    Actively encouraging and supporting the development of financial holding companies ;

  16. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  17. 我国金融控股公司的构建:制度基础与途径选择

    Construct of Financial Share-holding Corporations in China : Systemic Basis and Alternatives

  18. 国有商业银行金融控股公司化研究

    On the Research of the Financial Holding Company of State-owned Commercial Bank

  19. 金融控股公司综合经营效益研究

    An Empirical Study on the Synergy of Financial Holding Company

  20. 控股公司在20世纪初,出现于美国,但只对公益事业控股公司和银行控股公司有专门的规定。

    The holding company appeared in USA in the early 20th century .

  21. 当前,金融控股公司已经成为国际金融业发展的主要趋势。

    Recently financial holding company has become main trend of international finance .

  22. 国有控股公司运营与监管模式研究

    The Study on Mode of Operating and Supervising of State-owned Holding Company

  23. 对控股公司回报率与风险关系的量化分析

    Quantitative relation holding companies rate of return and their risk

  24. 金融控股公司组织效率的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Organization Efficiency in Financial Holding Company

  25. 第二,对纯粹性金融控股公司的监管体制创新进行了研究,即进行功能性监管;

    Secondly , the financial supervision system of pure FHC is studied .

  26. 金融控股公司组织管理模式探讨

    Exploration to Structure Management in Finance Share - holding Company

  27. 试论我国金融控股公司监管立法的完善&兼评《三大监管机构金融监管分工合作备忘录》的相关规定

    On Perfecting the Legislation Of Supervision about Financial Holding Company

  28. 汇率波动下的中国远洋控股公司财务筹划

    The Financial Planning of China Cosco under Exchange Rate Fluctuations

  29. 金融控股公司模式恰好满足了上述要求。

    The financial holding company pattern has exactly satisfied the above request .

  30. 金融控股公司加重责任制度研究

    The Research on Enhanced Obligations of Financial Holding Company