
  • 网络sister company
  1. 尽管处于这种日益不利的环境,但利丰仅在2010年一年就收购了逾8家公司,包括营收18亿美元的姐妹公司物流和分销供应商ids。

    Despite this increasingly challenging environment , the company acquired more than eight companies in 2010 alone , including its sister company , logistics and distribution provider IDS , which has $ 1.8bn in revenues .

  2. 我们的姐妹公司经济学人智库最新全球生活成本调查显示,苏黎世已经成为全球居住成本最高的城市。

    ZURICH has become the worlds most expensive city to live in , according to the latest Worldwide Cost of Living Survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit , our sister company .

  3. 西尔弗斯坦和他波士顿咨询集团的同事询问了22个国家里的12000名女性她们“最青睐的品牌”,被提及次数最多的品牌依次是:耐克(Nike)、苹果(Apple)、索尼(Sony)、BananaRepublic及其零售商姐妹公司Gap。

    When Silverstein and his BCG colleagues asked 12000 women in 22 countries about her " favorite brands , " here are the ones that got the most mentions , in order : Nike ( NKE ) , Apple ( AAPL ) , Sony ( SNE ) , and Banana Republic and its retail sister , Gap ( GPS ) .

  4. 同一时间,在某特定的时期,我们很多姐妹公司却有着剩余的工作潜力。

    At the same time , many of our agencies at any particular moment will have spare capacity .

  5. 博斯艾伦2008年从其姐妹公司博斯公司(booz&co)中分离出来,专攻公共部门,而后者专攻私营部门。

    It split from its sister firm in 2008 so that Booz & Co could focus on the private sector and Booz Allen on the public sector .

  6. 日前,谷歌的姐妹公司Waymo对外公布了一项测试,即自己旗下的自动驾驶汽车将在附近的沃尔玛商店对购物顾客进行接送。

    Google 's sister-company Waymo has announced a trial in which its self-driving cars will ferry shoppers to and from a nearby Walmart store to pick up their groceries .

  7. 这样仍可以满足不提供客户年龄的需求,同时又为姐妹公司提供了更多的信息,使之可进一步定制产品。

    This would still meet the legal requirements of not providing a customer 's age ; however , it would give the sister company more relevant information to further customize their offers .

  8. 经济学人智库是《经济学人》的姐妹公司,该公司试图估算出一个国家或地区能否在未来数年内提供让人们过上健康、安全、富裕生活的最好机会。

    The EIU , a sister company of The Economist , attempted to measure how well countries will provide the best opportunities for a healthy , safe and prosperous life in years to come .

  9. 本文认同扩张适用说,并从扩张适用说理论基础及含义,姐妹公司人格否认的基本内涵等方面结合案例进行了分析。

    This article agrees " the Expansion Application " and from the aspect of " the Expansion Application " theoretical basis and the meaning of " Sister Company ", it denies the basic connotation of personality aspects in the analyzed cases .