
  • 网络surface pressure;hPa
地面气压 [dì miàn qì yā]
  • [surface pressure] 地面一定位置上的大气压。这是一种不很严格的说法,它大致包括本站气压和海平面气压两种说法

  1. 本文利用1982年7&9月地面气压,850、500hPa高度和温度,广东地区测站的雨量等资料,进行功率谱、交叉谱、凝聚谱以及相关系数的计算。

    Using surface pressure , height and temperature data at 850 and 500 hPa . and rainfall records in Guangdong stations for July-September , 1982 , power spectrum , cross spectrum , coagulation spectrum and correlation coefficient are derived in this paper .

  2. 地面气压场主要受庞大的冷高压控制。

    Surface pressure field was mainly controlled by the huge clod high pressure .

  3. 利用常规气象资料、山东济南WSR-98D雷达资料等,分析了2003年10月9~12日的高空环流形势、地面气压场,物理量场、单站降雨量随时间的演变、组合反射率与基本速度图等。

    Based on the conventional meteorological data and WSR-98D radar data of Jinan , Shandong province , the upper air circulation , physics diagnostic field , the evolution of hourly precipitation with time , the base velocity and composite reflectivity , and so on are analyzed .

  4. 北京地区大气臭氧总量与地面气压和温度的变化

    Amount of Atmospheric Ozone and the Variations of Pressure , Temperature over Beijing Area

  5. 陆龙卷中心的地面气压如图7.26所示。

    The surface pressure at the centre of the tornado is shown in Figure 7.26 .

  6. 兴安盟春季降水天气地面气压场定量分型的研究

    Study on the Quantitative Classification of Surface Pressure Field in Spring Precipitation Weather in Xing'an City

  7. 求逆矩阵方法的进一步研究反求工程在地面气压高度仪中的应用

    Further Study about the Methods for Seeking Inverse Matrix The application of ground barometric altimeter to inverse seeking engineering

  8. 本文用样条插值进行了高度、温度、地面气压等要素场的客观分析试验,取得了良好的结果。

    By using the spline interpolation , objective analyses of geopotential , temperature and surface pressure fields are tested and good results obtained .

  9. 航空公司和商业公司所拥有的大多数的飞机,都有保持机舱内部气压和地面气压非常接近的设备。

    Most airplanes owned by airlines and businesses have equipment to keep the pressure inside the cabin much like that of ground level .

  10. 地面气压场上,低压中心位于日本海,冷锋已经越过山东半岛,渤海和山东半岛处在庞大的冷高压控制之下。

    In surface pressure field , huge cold high pressure controls Bohai sea and Shandong peninsula , and low pressure lies in Japan sea .

  11. 然而,NCEP1中地面气压的变化趋势与越赤道大气质量通量的方向相互冲突。

    However , the trends of the surface pressure and mass flux in NCEP 1 might conflict with each other to a great extent .

  12. 飑线的地面气压由β尺度的飑前中低压、飑后中高压及紧随其后的对称中低压组成。

    The surface pressure of squall line consists of mesoscale low in front of squall line , mesoscale high and mesoscale low behind the squall line .

  13. 且对于静力模式预报地面气压和高空位势高度场,不可能实现上述的第一凝结作用。

    If the hydrostatic model is used to predict surface pressure and geopotential height fields , then the above first effect of condensation can not be realized .

  14. 结果指出,与中β尺度雨团相对应的地面气压场上是中尺度低压槽或闭合的中低压系统;

    It shows that a system connected to meso - β - scale rain cluster is a mesoscale trough or a mesoscale low pressure on the surface .

  15. 因此,井水位对气压响应的滞后是由于水压井孔与含水层间渗流需要一定时间造成的,而不是由于地面气压传递到含水层时产生衰减和滞后引起的。

    Therefore the response lag of well water level to the barometric perssure is caused by water permeation , because the permeation existing in well and aquifer requires certain time .

  16. 分析指出:10月在蒙古人民共和国的海平面高压中心不真实,这可能是由于地面气压向海平面订正所造成的。

    It point out that the high pressure center at sea level over Republic of Mongolia in October is not true and may be resulted from the reduction of surface pressure to sea level .

  17. 不同强度的日降水量变化与地面气压变化有关,随着降水强度等级的增加,所对应的地面气压值逐渐降低,其中强降水表现最显著。

    The changes of every intensity category daily precipitation are associated with the changes of surface pressure . The surface pressure decreases with the increase of precipitation intensity category , and especially in heavy precipitation intensity .

  18. 埃尔尼诺年夏季,由于遥相关机制,东亚及西太平洋中纬地区出现地面气压和高度场的负距平,西太平洋副高位置持续偏南。

    In the summer of El Nino year , owing to teleconnection , there is a negative anomaly of surface pressure and 500 hPa height in the East-Asia and the West-Pacific . The west-Pacific subtropical high is to the south continuously and weaker .

  19. 借助于统计试验,找到了经向环流指数的突变特征和相应的地面气压场的空间分布模型,从而给出了云南省大地震(M≈7)的一种短期预报的可能性。

    With the aid of statistical experiments , a feature of abrupt change of the meridianal circulation index and the pattern of spatial distribution of the surface pressure field has been found . It gives a possibility of short-range prediction of strong earthquakes , M ≈ 7 in Yunnan .

  20. 上述结果表明,南极地区近地面太阳气压潮汐全日波并未被抑制,而半日波也未被放大。

    However , the analgsis of the Antarctic data shows that the solar diurnal barometric oscillation is much stronger than the semidiurnal one on the ground surface in the Antarctica .

  21. 在高空平直的西风环流下,沿南支西风急流带,有低压槽在冷空气垫之上东移,地面高气压区域中常有低压槽和锋生出现。

    At this time if a trough in the south branch of the westerlies moves eastward over this cold cushion , then there offen appears a trough and frontogenesis in the region surface high .

  22. 将棚吊式位差供枓系统改造为地面封闭式气压恒量供料,建立以模具转速指导胶盒胶液输出与输入的动态平衡体系。

    The author reconstructs the position-difference material-offering system of hanging canopy type into closing barometric and fixed amount mode , and sets up a dynamic balance system which instructs the glue-box and glue-liquid to input and output through the rotation speed .

  23. 利用AMSU-A温度反演资料能够清晰地揭示热带气旋的暖心结构、地面风速和中心气压与250hPa温度距平的关系,以及强降水的落区等。

    The retrieval of temperatures from AMSU-A soundings is able to clearly reveal the warm-core structure of the cyclone , surface wind speed and sea-level central pressure in relation to the 250-hPa temperature anomaly and a surface area of strong precipitation .

  24. 首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式,根据由微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场,诊断出地面风场;

    First , a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates , which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique .

  25. 卫星测量地面或云面反射的氧气0.76μm吸收带一些通道的太阳辐亮度,可遥测洋面或地面气压场及云顶气压。

    The absorption band of oxygen at 0.76 μ m may used for satellite remote sensing pressure of ocean , earth and cloud surface .