
  • 网络edmonton;Edmonton, Alberta;University of Alberta;Edmonton,AB;YEG
  1. 2017年1月6日星期五,在埃德蒙顿,CarloMontemagno和碳捕获的泡沫生物反应器在一起。

    Carlo Montemagno is seen with a foam bioreactor for carbon capture in Edmonton on Friday , Jan. 6 , 2017 .

  2. 埃德蒙顿系统是由在阿尔伯塔大学的研究人员,它是沿着传统的BMI规模。

    The Edmonton System was developed by researchers at the University of Alberta , and it is meant to be used alongside the traditional BMI scale .

  3. 他后来搬到加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿市,担任埃德蒙顿油工队(EdmontonOilers)队长,也成为当地11月计划的领头人。

    He has since moved to Edmonton , Alberta , where he is the captain of the Edmonton Oilers and a November Project leader .

  4. 加拿大埃德蒙顿亚伯达大学的鲍尔•J•维格勒博士及其同事发现,饮食健康,摄入足量水果、蔬菜、蛋白质和纤维等营养成分的学生读写测试不及格的可能性较低。

    Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit , vegetables , protein , fiber and other components of a healthy diet were significantly less likely to fail a literacy test , Dr. Paul J. Veugelers of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found .

  5. 30岁的ErinTaylor是加拿大埃德蒙顿市的一位护士,受该剧中一个故事的启发,加入了国家器官捐献计划行动,把自己的一颗肾脏无偿捐献给了一位严重病患。

    Erin Taylor , 30 , a nurse in Edmonton , Canada , was inspired by a story line in the drama to sign up to a national organ donor programme in a move that resulted in her donating one of her kidneys to a critically ill stranger .

  6. 在美国队首场比赛时,纽约和洛杉矶的体育酒吧里挤满了人,而在加拿大的埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)和温尼伯(Winnipeg)两座城市中,球迷们正排着蜿蜒数百米的长队苦等数小时,只为了得到纪念T恤和帽子。

    Sports bars in New York and Los Angeles filled up for the first US game , while lineups for merchandise at games in Edmonton and Winnipeg snaked hundreds of meters as fans stood for hours to get a t-shirt or hat .

  7. 位于蒙特利尔的Enerkem公司在加拿大运营试点和示范工厂已达十年之久,而它第一座实现量产的工厂计划于今年年底前在加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿市开工。

    The Montreal firm , which has been running pilot and demo plants in Canada for a decade now , is scheduled to open its first commercial scale plant in Edmonton , Alberta , by the end of the year .

  8. 我住在埃德蒙顿。李明住在石家庄。

    I live in Edmonton . Li Ming lives in Shijiazhuang .

  9. 埃德蒙顿一个非常强大计划是第二语言教学。

    One of the very strong programs in Edmonton is Second Language instruction .

  10. 从埃德蒙顿到石家庄大约有九千六百公里。

    It 's about nine thousand six hundred kilometres from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang .

  11. 据丹·卡朋查克报道,埃德蒙顿市西部一个小型社区的民众被迫撤离。

    As Dan Karpenchuk reports a small community west of Edmonton has been evacuated .

  12. 我们花了6个小时才到埃德蒙顿,但总算到家了!

    It took us six hours to drive to Edmonton but we made it !

  13. 利兹·摩根移植的肾脏功能正常,在埃德蒙顿继续享受新生之乐。

    Liz Morgan continues to enjoy her renewed life with a functioning kidney in Edmonton .

  14. 埃德蒙顿是艾伯塔省的省会,是加拿大第五大城市。

    Edmontonis the capital city of Edmonton , Alberta and is the fifth largest city in Canada .

  15. 埃德蒙顿天主教公立校区为以基督为中心的学区学生提供艾伯塔省教育课程。

    Edmonton Catholic Schools delivers the curriculum of Alberta Education to students within a Christ-centered learning community .

  16. 然后夏天的时候,它会径直前往加拿大的埃德蒙顿,

    And then by the Summer , it 's all the way to Edmonton , it 's in Canada ,

  17. 埃德蒙顿日报-北极新的巡逻舰和扩大空中侦察,将民警卫队加拿大的远北地区和西北通道。

    Edmonton Journal-New arctic patrol ships and expanded aerial surveillance will guard Canada 's Far North and the Northwest Passage .

  18. 作为一个国际化都市,埃德蒙顿提供大量文化、商业及娱乐等国际合作机会。

    With its cosmopolitan reputation , Edmonton also offers opportunities for cultural , business and recreational partnership on an international level .

  19. 一个新西兰小伙儿在过去的五周里,在加拿大的埃德蒙顿以一种特别的方式打发了时间。

    A New Zealand man who has spent the past five weeks in Edmonton found a unique way to spend his time .

  20. 丹尼尔-格雷和女友凯瑟琳-斯达丽从新西兰来埃德蒙顿与凯瑟琳的家人一起度假。

    Daniel Gray and his girlfriend Kathleen Starrie came to Edmonton from New Zealand to spend the holidays with Starrie 's family .

  21. 伦敦各行政区则计划扩大设在埃德蒙顿的垃圾焚烧炉的规模,并打算在别的地方另建焚烧炉。

    London boroughs have plans to increase the size of the incinerator at Edmonton and there are plans to build more elsewhere .

  22. 当时的埃德蒙顿气温低至零下25度,大部分的工作都是在严寒的天气下完成。

    Much of the work was done during Edmonton 's cold snap , when the temperature hovered around the - 25 degree mark .

  23. 在埃德蒙顿龙船节日协会或2007埃德蒙顿龙船都谢谢你你的参予节日。

    Thank you all for your participation in the Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival Association and / or the 2007 Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival .

  24. 秋色如画的金斯顿和渥太华,白雪皑皑的埃德蒙顿,都是那样令人难忘。

    Autumn in Kingston and Ottawa were as beautiful as a painting and the snow covered western city of Edmonton was so impressive .

  25. 至于房价,8百分之崛起将是适用于全在所有大学的埃德蒙顿住宅。

    As for room rates , the eight-per-cent rise will be applied across the board at all of the university 's Edmonton residences .

  26. 它坐落在阿尔伯塔省,位于班夫国家公园的北部、埃德蒙顿市的西部。

    It is located in the province of Alberta , to the north of Banff National Park and west of the city of Edmonton .

  27. 来自世界各地的教育工作者访问埃德蒙顿学校,在该地区实际观察,了解了这些革新是如何将帮助学生更好地学习。

    Educators from all over the world visit Edmonton to observe the district in action and learn how these innovations contribute to student learning .

  28. 从红鹿市到落基山脉只有3小时的车程,从埃德蒙顿和卡尔加里的国际机场出发则仅需1.5小时的车程。

    Red Deer is only a3 hour drive to the Rocky Mountains and serviced by international airports at Edmonton and Calgary & a1.5 hr drive .

  29. 结合“埃德蒙顿”号在白令海冰困遇难的教训,建议船舶应谨慎进入冰区;

    This paper reminds us of entering the ice area with caution by the experience of vessel Admenton which encountered sea distress while navigating in Bering Sea .

  30. 这是地区进阶先修计划的一部分,这个计划为在加拿大埃德蒙顿各地市学术中学的学生提供教学。

    This is part of a district Outreach program that provides schooling on a drop-in basis at store front locations throughout the city in Edmonton , Canada .