
  • 网络surface water resources amount
  1. 地表水资源量计算中存在的问题

    Problems In Computing of Surface Water Resources Amount

  2. 基于Matlab的BP-NN时间序列法预测地表水资源量

    Surface Water Quantity Forecasting with Time Series Method of BP-NN Based on Matlab

  3. 主要研究内容包括:(1)利用GIS技术结合网格剖分法对研究区域内的降水特征和地表水资源量的评价研究;

    The main contents including : ( 1 ) By use of the GIS system , the characters of precipitation and quantity of surface water in the region and grid anatomy method was studied .

  4. 结果表明,由于天津地势低洼易涝,地表水资源量大于35亿m3的丰水年,粮食减产;

    The analysis shows that in the year with surface water resource more than 35 × 109m3 , the grain yield decreases , because there is a lot of water logged lowland in Tianjin ;

  5. 现状条件下唐山市地表水资源量探讨

    A Discussion of Surface Water Resources in Tangshan at Present Conditions

  6. 武威市绿洲城镇化对地表水资源量的影响

    Effects of Urbanization on Surface Water Amount in Wuwei Oasis

  7. 人类活动对西北地区地表水资源量影响的初析

    Analysis of human activity impact on quantity of surface water in Northwest China

  8. 鸡西市地表水资源量计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of surface water resources quantity

  9. 阜新地区地表水资源量时段衰减影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Influencing Factor of Interval Change of Surface Water Resources in Fuxin Area

  10. 莱州市地表水资源量在山丘区较丰富,但利用量较少;

    The surface water resources quantity is rich in the massif region but the using quantity is little .

  11. 地表水资源量的变化是随着补给源补给量的变化而变化的,人类活动可以改变地表水的补给源。

    Surface water resources is changed with water supply sources , but water supply sources can be changed by human activity .

  12. 计算了郑州市地表水资源量、地下水资源量、水资源总量和水资源可利用量。

    The quantity of surface water and ground water , water resources gross and its available quantity of these years are calculated .

  13. 对洛阳市的降水量、地表水资源量、地下水资源量及水资源总量进行评价。

    The precipitation , surface water resources , groundwater resources , and total volume of water resources were evaluated for Luoyang City .

  14. 影响天津市水环境生态安全状态的因素,包括地表水资源量、劣于Ⅴ类水以下河段比例等。

    The interior mechanism and the exterior factors influencing the status quo including the surface water resources proportion of river water resources inferior to 5 degree .

  15. 境内地表水资源量开采使用量已达16亿立方米,超过了40%这个国际公认的水资源利用警戒线。

    The amount of surface water resources which has been already exploited is reaching 1.6 billion cubic meters , more than 40 % of The international warning line .

  16. 重点探讨了区域地表水资源量、地下水资源量、水资源总量、区域可供水量的计算方法和区域水资源质量评价的方法;

    The methods to calculate the amount of regional surface water , ground water , the total amount of regional water resources and the amount of water resources which can be used are discussed ;

  17. 使狭义水资源的构成发生了变化,即地表水资源量减小、不重复量和地下水资源量增加。

    Soil and water conservation changes the composition of narrow sense water resources , that is amount of surface water resources decreased , amount of unrepeated water resources and water ground water resources increased .

  18. 随着气候的变化、河道上游修建水库和工农业用水量的增加,地表水资源量逐年减少,地下水资源开采量逐年增加。

    Because of the transformation of the climate , the construction of the reservoir and the increasing consumption of water in industry and agriculture , the surface water resources are reduced year by year at the same time , the exploration of the ground water is increasing .

  19. 文章介绍水资源评价中地表水资源量的计算方法,对我省同步期(1956-2000年)地表水资源量的计算结果进行初步的合理性评价。

    An primary introduction is given in this paper about calculational methods of quantity of surface water resources in the appraisal of water resources , and it is given that rationality appraisal on the result about surface water resources quantity in Anhui in the same term ( 1956-2000 ) .

  20. 资源量约占黑龙江省地表水总资源量的35%以上,水质清澈,水温最高不超过20℃,属冷水性鱼类生息繁衍的最佳生态环境。

    The resources is almost 35 % in all resource in Heilongjiang province , water quality is clear , the upper water temperature is less 20 ℃, is the best ecosystem condition to live and breed for cold water fishes .

  21. 区域地表水资源可利用量问题研究

    Study on Usable Capacity of Surface Water Resources in an Area

  22. 将地表径流中基流部分按比例划出,与河道汛期弃水量加在一起作为河道的生态需水量,从地表水资源量中扣除生态需水量后可得地表水的实际可利用量。

    The available surface water resources are equal to the total amount of surface water resources subtracting the ecological water demand , which includes the basic influx deducted proportionally from the surface water resources and the surplus water in river channels during flood period .