
  • 网络Di'anmen;di'an men
  1. 地安门大街清晨的朴素一如他一百年的沧桑历史。

    Di'anmen Avenue the morning of simplicity as he vicissitudes of history a hundred years .

  2. 从故宫的永定门(最南端)开始,到景山向北的地安门,有一条约长7公里的南北中轴线。

    From the southernmost Yongding gate , to the north Di ' anmen of Jingshan , North-south direction has got a length of 7 km of the axis .

  3. 如果你去地安门,你会看到红绿灯、人行道,以及那些川流不息的红色出租车,它们似乎都在驶过那座已经成为记忆但却曾经代表著京城中轴线北端的建筑。

    If you went to the Gate of Earthly Peace , you saw traffic lights , pavements , and restless red cabs itching to pass through the memory of a building that had once marked Beijing 's northern axis .