
  • 网络BASF;BASF SE;BASF Corporation;bas;ultramid
  1. 简要介绍了美国的道化学公司、杜邦公司,德国的巴斯夫公司开发的PVC清洁生产工艺技术,同时也介绍了我国开展PVC清洁生产的情况。

    Clean production processes developed by Dow Chemical Company , DuPont Company and BASF Company are introduced briefly . The situation of domestic clean production of PVC is also introduced .

  2. 德国巴斯夫(BASF)公司,主要生产塑料、聚合物,在高分子研究方面有很强的基础。

    Polymer chemists . BASF , a leading producer of plastics , has a strong base in polymer research .

  3. 巴斯夫亚洲区人力资源部门主管彼得约翰(peterjohann)表示,失去任何一名员工都是一场“灾难”。

    Peter Johann , head of human resources in Asia for BASF , said the loss of each employee was a " disaster " .

  4. 程子俊表示,正是课程中的这种实用元素吸引了巴斯夫等企业的支持,巴斯夫是聘用GIFT举办定制课程的数家公司之一。

    It is this practical element of the courses that Mr Nair says has attracted the backing of companies such as BASF , which is one of several that have hired Gift to run tailored courses .

  5. 巴斯夫(BASF)公司是世界上最大的塑料制造商之一,具有很广泛的产品范围。

    The BASF Group is among the largest plastics manufacturers in the world , with one of the most comprehensive product ranges .

  6. 巴斯夫公司的供应商技术评价突出了西门子PCS7的高级批量能力。

    BASF 's vendor technology evaluation highlighted the superior batch capabilities of PCS7 from Siemens .

  7. 德国的巴斯夫(basf)称,公司上月发布的业绩表明,能源及原料价格上涨,影响了第二季度业绩。

    BASF of Germany said at its results last month that higher energy and raw materials costs had hit profits in the second quarter .

  8. 2000年,全球新戊二醇(NPG)产量已达25万t,国外主要生产厂家有美国巴斯夫、伊斯曼等。

    In 2000 , the world NPG output has reached 0.25 million tons , the primary manufacturers are BASF , Eastman and etc.

  9. 一些迹象表明,越来越多的本土公司正从巴斯夫(BASF)等跨国公司挖取训练有素的员工。按营收计算,巴斯夫是全球最大的化工集团。

    There is some evidence that local companies are increasingly poaching trained staff from multinationals , such as BASF , the world 's largest chemicals group by revenues .

  10. 除了一些传统的基金,德国化工巨头巴斯夫(basf)也将其首笔风险投资注入了oxonica。

    As well as a group of conventional funds , the German chemical giant BASF made its first VC investment in oxonica .

  11. 过去几个月,多名外企高管,包括跨国工业企业通用电气(GE)、西门子(Siemens)和巴斯夫(BASF)的首席执行官,都曾谈到外企在中国所处的更为艰难的运营环境。

    In the past few months , a number of executives , including the chief executives of industrial multinationals General Electric , Siemens and BASF , have made comments on the tougher operating environment for foreign businesses in China .

  12. 今年6月份,中国农业当局批准进口三种转基因大豆,其中两种来自美国种业巨头孟山都公司(Monsanto),另一种来自德国化工生产商巴斯夫(BASF)。

    In June , Chinese agricultural authorities approved imports of three new genetically modified soy bean varieties , including two produced by U.S. seed giant Monsanto and one by German chemical producer BASF .

  13. 德国化学集团巴斯夫(basf)和法国食品企业集团达能(danone)等许多公司,已经与乡村银行合资设立了社会企业。

    A number of companies , including BASF , the German chemicals group , and Danone , the French food conglomerate , have already set up social business joint ventures with the Grameen Bank .

  14. 常青和其他21名参与者多数来自亚洲为日本电子公司NEC和德国化工集团巴斯夫(BASF)等跨国集团工作。

    Mr Chang and the 21 other participants – who mostly hail from Asia – work for multinational companies such as NEC , the Japanese electronics company , and BASF , the German chemicals group .

  15. 总部设在北京的公众与环境研究中心的创始人马军在空气污染地图上点名曝光了40家外资公司,其中包括法国轮胎生产商米其林(Michelin)和德国化工公司巴斯夫(BASF)。

    Ma Jun , founder of the Beijing-based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs , has named 40 foreign companies on the Air Pollution Map , including Michelin , the French tyre-maker , and BASF , the German chemical company .

  16. 劳斯莱斯和德国化学品公司巴斯夫(BASF)花了几个月的时间,才调出色调一模一样的面漆。但劳斯莱斯对结果非常满意,于是把这种颜色加入了向全球顾客提供的色彩目录中。

    It took Rolls-Royce and BASF , the Germany chemicals company , months to devise a paint exactly the right shade , but afterwards , Rolls-Royce was so pleased with the result they added it to the palette it offers to customers worldwide .

  17. 化工企业巴斯夫的首席执行官贺斌杰(JürgenHambrecht)猛烈抨击了对外资企业的限制措施,并抱怨外资企业不得不将业务和技术诀窍转让给中资公司,以换取市场准入。

    J ü rgen Hambrecht , chief executive of BASF , the chemical producer , hit out at restrictions on foreign business and complained of foreign companies being forced to transfer business and technological know-how to Chinese companies in exchange for market access .

  18. 荷兰皇家壳牌和巴斯夫表示,他们支持了对这个问题的游说。

    Shell and BASF said they backed lobbying on the issue .

  19. 运输安全:巴斯夫承担社会责任的独特视角

    Transportation Safety : Significant Aspect of BASF 's CSR Practice

  20. 巴斯夫公司雇用无机化学家合成催化剂和开发新颜料。

    BASF employs synthetic inorganic chemists to develop new catalysts and pigments .

  21. 以前瞻性战略保证稳定发展的巴斯夫公司

    BASF ; Using Perspective Strategy to Ensure Stable Development

  22. 从一场危机中吸取教训:巴斯夫的案例

    Learning from a Crisis : The Example of BASF

  23. 扬子石化&巴斯夫丙烯酸及酯联合装置工程设计

    Engineering Design of Acrylic Acid and Resin Combination Plant of BASF Yangtze Petrochemical Complex

  24. 巴斯夫新增塑剂可用于儿童玩具

    BASF finds new plasticizer available for toy production

  25. 巴斯夫提供新服务&废塑料变肥料

    Basf supplies New Service-Changing Waste Plastics into Fertilizer

  26. 和其他公司一样,1999年,巴斯夫因为欺骗性的经营遭到了强烈的批评。

    Like other companies , BASF came under strong criticism in 1999 for fraudulent practices .

  27. 做为一家世界性的公司,巴斯夫集团认为全球化是一种发展机会。

    As a company that operates throughout the world , BASF sees globalization as an opportunity .

  28. 这场危机促使巴斯夫认识到其对社会的责任和与不道德理念作斗争的责任。

    This crisis provoked BASF to realize its responsibility to society and to fight against unethical structures .

  29. 巴斯夫已将一体化概念应用在与中石化在于其南京的合资厂&扬子石化-巴斯夫有限责任公司。

    BASF has also applied its Verbund integration concept within its joint venture BASF-YPC with Sinopec in Nanjing .

  30. 巴斯夫的例子是鼓舞人心的,它证明了欧洲企业环保努力的进步。

    The example of BASF is inspiring because it attests to the progress of environmental commitment among European companies .