
děng deng
  • wait a minute;and so on


děng děng
  • and so on;and so on and so forth;etc;and others
等等 [děng děng]
  • (1) [and so on]∶表示列举未尽

  • 长篇小说、剧本、短篇小说、旅行记录片,等等

  • (2) [wait a minute]∶等一下

等等[děng děng]
等等[děng deng]
  1. “等等,”那位顾客咆哮着,“另外一个龙头标的也是c。”

    Wait a minute , roared the patron . " the other tap is also marked c. "

  2. 等等他冲着Grant来了?

    Wait a minute . ls he coming at Grant ?

  3. “等等我!”她尖声叫道。

    ' Wait for me ! ' she shrilled .

  4. 他的新女友有魅力、有趣、聪明,等等等等。

    His new girlfriend is attractive , funny , smart , yada yada yada .

  5. 所设活动项目包括壁球、射箭、游泳等等,不一而足。

    Activities available include squash , archery and swimming , to name but a few .

  6. 我们什么都商量过了——什么时候走、看什么等等。

    We discussed everything ─ when to go , what to see and so on .

  7. 他想要大房子、豪华汽车,如此等等。

    He wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it .

  8. 他们出售各种家用电器——洗衣机、洗碗机等等。

    They sell a wide range of domestic appliances ─ washing machines , dishwashers and so on .

  9. 等等我!

    Wait for me !

  10. 我们只得等等看,眼下没有法子。

    We 'll just have to wait and see ─ there 's nothing we can do at the moment .

  11. 给字母表里的每个字母赋予相应的数值——A等于1,B等于2,等等。

    Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values — A equals 1 , B equals 2 , etc.

  12. 我们只好等等看将会发生什么。

    We 'll have to wait and see what happens .

  13. 女人们穿着牛仔裤、T恤、工装裤等等这类衣服在那个地方。

    The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot

  14. 我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。

    I also enjoy windsurfing , tennis , racquetball , swimming , you name it .

  15. 此时在国会,他们正就预算案等等瞎折腾。

    Right now in Congress , they 're fiddling around with the budget and so on

  16. 现如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、蓝莓酱等等。

    So many things are unsafe these days — milk , cranberry sauce , what have you

  17. “等等我!”梅拉尼粗声抗议道,“我不想一个人呆在这里。”

    ' Wait for me ! ' Melanie squawked . ' I 'm not staying here alone . '

  18. 我边往山下跑边喊:“迈克尔,迈克尔,嘿,等等我。”

    I was running down the hill shouting , ' Michael , Michael , man , wait up ' .

  19. 我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼和夜,正和负,男和女等等。

    We live in a world of duality , day and night , positive and negative , male and female , etc.

  20. 然后就是对咖啡的各种溢美之词,类似“嘿,这咖啡真棒!”等等。

    There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of ' Hey , this coffee is fantastic ! '

  21. 他接着又说到了自己不负责任的行为以及可能对孩子们造成的恶劣影响等等。一时间捶胸顿足,懊悔不已。

    He went on about his irresponsible behaviour , the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on . It was all sackcloth and ashes .

  22. 设想一下你突然被带走丢到了摩洛哥。你能多好地适应那里的语言、天气和人等等?

    Imagine if you were suddenly swept up and deposited in Morocco . How well could you cope with the language , the weather , the people , and so on ?

  23. 他买了许多水果,如苹果、桃子等等。

    He bought a lot of fruit such as apples and peaches .

  24. 属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。

    To this class of substance belong mica , porcelain , quartz , glass , wood , etc.

  25. 许多词是复合词,如blackboard,inkpot等等。

    Many words are compounds , such as blackboard , inkpot , and the like .

  26. 我们停下来等等走得慢的人不好吗?

    Hadn 't we better wait up for the slower ones ?

  27. 请等等!我帮你正正领带。

    Just a minute ! let me put your tie straight .

  28. 等等我,我必须洗洗手。

    Wait for me . I have to clean up .

  29. 其他展品有精密仪器、化工产品等等。

    Other exhibits include precision instruments and chemical products .

  30. 他当总经理,事务繁多,诸如主持会议,制定计划、预算,洽谈贷款,等等。

    His many duties as general manager include chairing meetings , making plans and budgets , and negotiating loans .