
  • 网络Han culture;Chinese Culture
  1. 流官是汉文化的倡导者、引导者。

    The officials were the advocator and guide of Han culture .

  2. 论汉文化对哈尼文化的影响

    The influences of the Han culture on the Hani culture

  3. 为了考察汉文化的修辞模式及其表现形式,选用学生ESL作文作为分析样本,请美国著名语言学家和语篇分析专家WallaceChafe进行评判,并对评判结果进行分析和归类。

    To examine Chinese cultural thought patterns , text samples are selected from students ' ESL writings , and are measured and evaluated by the American linguist Wallace Chafe .

  4. 蒙汉文化交融的社会记忆&以辽宁阜新地区的巴拉根仓故事为例

    Social Memory of the Intermingling of the Mongol - Chinese Culture

  5. 海南黎族与汉文化的关系述论

    On Relationship between Li Ethnic Group and Han Chinese Culture

  6. 我们的汉文化处在什么状况?

    And then what is the present state of our Chinese culture ?

  7. 明清时期琉球人的汉语汉文化学习

    Liu Qiu People 's Chinese Study in the Ming and Qing Times

  8. 适当增补汉语语用学和汉文化知识等教学内容;

    Properly adding some Chinese pragmatics and Chinese cultural knowledge in teaching ;

  9. 哈尼族吸纳汉文化历史过程

    The Historical Process of Hani 's Absorbing Han 's Culture

  10. 汉语修辞是汉文化的重要组成部分之一。

    Chinese Figure of Speech is an important part of Chinese culture .

  11. 在私垦时期东蒙地区以蒙汉文化交流为主;

    Cultural communication was the main aspect during the private reclamation period .

  12. 书法作为汉文化中的一门独特艺术表现形式,与汉文化所处的地域环境关系密切。

    Calligraphy is a unique artistic form of Chinese culture .

  13. 汉字与汉文化在东亚的传播与影响

    The Spread and Influence of Chinese Character and Its Culture to East Asia

  14. 大型游乐场,旅游景点,汉文化开发。

    Large-scale recreation ground , tourist scenic spots , Han Dynasty culture development .

  15. 英、汉文化溯源·思维模式·句子结构

    Cultures Origin Cultures · Thought Modality · Sentence Structure

  16. 新汉文化圈主张的消极意义

    The New Chinese Cultural Circle and Its Negative Significance

  17. 清代畲汉文化冲突述议

    Statement and Analysis on Culture Conflict of the She & Han in Qing Dynasty

  18. 汉文化·中医学与土家族医药

    Chinese culture · TCM and Tujia Minority Medicine

  19. 汉文化特有词汇的英译

    The Translation of Chinese Culturally - loaded Words

  20. 近代东蒙地区的开垦和蒙汉文化交流

    The Reclamation and Cultural Communication in the East Mongolia Region during the Modern History

  21. 是汉文化由多元到一统的生动体现。

    That is the vivid expression of Han culture developed from multi-elements to unifications .

  22. 论汉语修辞与汉文化的关系

    The Relationship between Chinese rhetoric and Chinese culture

  23. 汉文化大量继承了楚地文化传统。

    The written Chinese turned to inherit a cultural tradition of Chu in great quantities .

  24. 汉文化与古代新疆

    Between Han Culture and the Ancient Xinjiang

  25. 回族对汉文化的学习基本上是在科举制下进行的。

    It is under the imperial civil examination system that Hui people learned Han culture .

  26. 论20世纪末粤语对汉语和汉文化的影响

    The Impact of Cantonese Dialect on Chinese and the Chinese Culture in the 20th Century

  27. 明代汉文化在大理白族地区的影响&深受汉文化影响的知识分子群体

    The influence of the Han culture on Dali Bai minority area in the Ming dynasty

  28. 汉文化在广西地区的传播,加速了该地区社会经济文化等开发。

    Han culture spreading in Guangxi Region accelerated socio-economic and cultural development in the region .

  29. 沿着丝绸之路,处处体现汉文化对其的影响。

    The buildings on the both sides of the Silk Road were influenced by Han-culture .

  30. 礼貌;正面礼貌策略;负面礼貌策略;性别差异;汉文化;

    Politeness ; Positive Politeness Strategies ; Negative Politeness Strategies ; Gender Variation ; Chinese Culture ;