
ɡǔ dài hàn yǔ
  • Ancient Chinese
  1. 浅谈对美国学生的古代汉语教学&以CIEE的教学为例

    On " Ancient Chinese " Teaching for the U.S. Students & Taking CIEE Teaching as an Example

  2. 语境对古代汉语词义训释的制约

    The Restrictions Set by Context on the Explanation of Ancient Chinese

  3. 副词“更”在古代汉语和现代汉语中的使用频率很高。

    In both ancient and modern Chinese languages , the adverb " geng " is very often used .

  4. 其实这一句式在古代汉语中早已存在,而且有的意义较为丰富,VP的类型也较为复杂,使用频率较高。

    Actually the sentence pattern has been existed in ancient times with high frequency of utilization , plentiful meaning and complex type of VP .

  5. 古代汉语词的临时义研究

    A Study of the Unofficial Meaning of Words in Archaic Chinese

  6. 古代汉语所字之用法

    The Usage of the Word " Suo " in Ancient Chinese

  7. 古代汉语体系在深层上规定了中国古代文化类型。

    Ancient Chinese system prescribes the type of ancient Chinese culture .

  8. 王力《古代汉语》注释疏误

    Missing errors of explanatory notes of Wang Li 's Ancient Chinese

  9. 古代汉语与佛教渊源简论

    Brief introduction to the connection of the ancient Chinese with Buddhism

  10. 古代汉语语法研究方法刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on the Methodology of Grammatical Studies of Ancient Chinese

  11. 《古代汉语》教材改革之我见

    My View Points on Teaching Material Reform of Ancient Chinese

  12. 朱振家本《古代汉语》注释的两个问题

    Two Defects in the Notes of Ancient Chinese Compiled by Zhu Zhen-jia

  13. 古代汉语第二人称代词三题

    Talk about the Secondary Personal Pronouns in Ancient Chinese from Three Aspects

  14. 也谈谈古代汉语的历史分期

    On the Division of the History of the Old Chinese

  15. 对培养学生古代汉语自主学习能力的思考

    Thoughts on " Cultivation the Self-Regulated Learning Ability on Ancient Chinese "

  16. 在古代汉语词尾研究中,助词、词尾、词缀概念混淆。

    There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese .

  17. 现代汉语方言的声调是从古代汉语声调演变来的。

    There are four tones both in medieval Chinese and modern Chinese .

  18. 简论古代汉语定语后置问题&定语后置说质疑

    Brief Analysis on the Post-position of Attribute in Ancient Chinese

  19. 中南五省(区)协编本《古代汉语》简评

    On the Textbook of Ancient Chinese by Five Provinces of Central China

  20. 陈复华主编《古代汉语词典》书证晚出例再举

    Later Documentary Evidence Occurring in Ancient Chinese Dictionary Edited by CHEN Fu-hua

  21. 20年来古代汉语同义词研究综述

    Comment on the study of ancient Chinese synonyms in recent twenty years

  22. 文以载道以道育人&《古代汉语》文选教学的道德传承与教化

    Moral Inheritance and Enlightenment in Ancient Chinese Literary Selections Teaching

  23. 主要在古代汉语和方言中的研究无法面面俱到,我们将在以后的学习和工作中继续努力。

    We aim to continue the study and work in the future .

  24. 王力主编《古代汉语》标点献疑

    Question about the Punctuations in the Classical Chinese Edited by Wang li

  25. 例句使用与古代汉语教学

    The Using of Illustrative Sentences and the Teaching of Ancient Chinese language

  26. 在古代汉语中,也有词的重叠变化现象,但为数不多。

    The phenomenon seldom occurs in the ancient Chinese language .

  27. 王力《古代汉语》通假字注释疏误例析

    An analysis on annotation errors of interchangeable characters in Ancient Chinese Language

  28. 古代汉语教学应加强社会责任意识的培养

    The Cultivation of a Sense of Social Responsibility in Ancient Chinese Teaching

  29. 古代汉语一个突出特征是单音词占优势。

    An outstanding feature of ancient Chinese is that the monosyllabic words prevail .

  30. 关于《古代汉语》课教学内容及教学方法的思考

    On Teaching Contents and Means of Ancient Chinese Lesson