
gǔ běi jiè
  • palearctic realm
古北界[gǔ běi jiè]
  1. 只分布于古北界的有28种,占总种数的75.7%。

    There are 28 species to be only distributed over Palearctic realm , making up 75.5 percent of the total species .

  2. 古北界、古北-东洋跨界种类是该试区鳞翅目昆虫区系的主要组成类群;古北区的白蚁

    Species of the Palearctic Realm and Commom of Palearctic - Oriental Realm are the main composition in Lepidoptera . Termites of the Palearctic Region

  3. 东洋界、古北界和新北界共有种为1种,比重为1.23%。

    Species ( 1.23 % ) is the Oriental , Palaearctic and Nearctic .

  4. 东洋界、古北界共有种为11种,比重达13.58%;

    11 species ( 13.58 % ) are both the Oriental and Palaearctic ;

  5. 古北界种7种,占22。

    Palaearctic realm , took 22 . 58 % .

  6. 分布在北美,古北界,印度和西北喜马拉雅山脉。

    Distribution in North America , Palaearctic , India and the north-west Himalayas mountain .

  7. 广布种5种,古北界种1种,东洋界19种。

    There were five cosmopolitan species , a palaeoarctic realm species and19 Oriental realm species .

  8. 在针叶林群落中,东洋界和古北界的动物区系几乎各占半。

    In the coniferous forests , the oriental and the palearctic almost accounted for a half .

  9. 鸟类区系以古北界成分为主。

    For the avifauna , the birds in this study were dominated by the palaearctic element .

  10. 区系分析结果表明,该地区蝶类呈现由东洋界向古北界过渡的特征。

    Analysis of their fauna composition indicates that these butterflies were mixture of Oriental and Palaeartic species .

  11. 古北界和东洋界的种类分别为46.30%和24.70%,在分布型上划分为7种类型。

    As to the faunal distribution , 46.30 % belongs to palaearctic realm and 24.70 % to Oriental realm .

  12. 地理位置特殊,生态环境多样;在动物地理区划上地跨东洋界和古北界。

    It has a special geography and multiplex ecological environment . The Zoogeographical division of Gansu across Oriental and Palaearctic .

  13. 其中41种属东洋界种、10种属广布种,无古北界物种。

    Among them , 41 species belong to Oriental Realm , 10 species belonging to the widespread , without any species of Palaearctic .

  14. 地理区系上以古北界为主(占59%),居留类型以夏候鸟为主(占57.95%)。

    The geographic regions are mainly Palaearctic realm ( 59 % of the total ) . The residence types are mainly summer migrants .

  15. 调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖;有14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地。

    Most taxa had recently completed breeding , and14 species of Palearctic migrants used the study sites as stopover areas or wintering grounds .

  16. 在繁殖鸟中北方型鸟类77种,占繁殖鸟总数的81%,表现出明显的古北界鸟类区系特征。

    77 species belong to boreal taxa , which are 81 % of all breeders . It obviously reflects the feature of Palearctic realm .

  17. 其中,东洋界种88种,古北界种19种,季风型及广布种10种。

    Among them , 19 species belong to the palaearctic realm , 88 species to the oriental realm , and 10 species are widespread species .

  18. 以区系成分分,东洋界106种,古北界48种,广布种68种。

    In accordance with fauna elements , 106 species of oriental realm and 48 species of palearctic realm , 68 species of extensive distributive species .

  19. 其中古北界种连同古北界共同种占93.9%。表明山西省丽蝇科昆虫属于古北区系。

    There are93.9 % of the total belonging to Palaearctic Region , which means , in Shanxi Province , most species have a Palaearctic distribution .

  20. 以上分析结果表明,甘肃省蝴蝶在动物地理区划上属于东洋界向古北界过度性特征。

    The results above show that the butterfly in Gansu province in the animal belongs to the Oriental geographical divisions to the Palaearctic over feature .

  21. 结果表明:该区有两栖动物2目8科12属31种,除3种古北界种类外,其余28种均为东洋种,占总种类的90.32%;

    Up to now , 31 species of amphibians are recorded in the natural reserve , belonging to 2 orders , 8 families , 12 genera .

  22. 河北省鸟类区系具有明显的古北界特征,以中、大型鸟类为主体的非雀形目鸟类对该地区鸟类科种多样性的贡献最大。

    The birds of Non-Passeriformes make greater contribution to bird group diversity of the Hebei province Hebei province is important area of birds distribution in china .

  23. 都属于东洋界物种,没有古北界的成分;

    All of the above species belong to Oriental realm , most of which are distributed in the southwest China , without species of the north ;

  24. 从整个夜蛾科来看,古北界成分与古北东洋界共有种是兴隆山夜蛾类昆虫区系的主要组分。

    The species of the Palaearctic , and the common species of the Palearctic and Oriental Realm are mainly the Noctuidae insect faunal in Xinglong Mountain Region .

  25. 在区系成份上属于古北界的有225种,占全部鸟类45.00%;

    From the preliminary analysis of our material , there are 225 species and subspecies appertaining to Palearctic realm , making up 45 % of our collection ;

  26. 徐-盱丘陵岗地省和淮北平原省古北界区系特征最明显,古北界鸟类分别占68.31%、68.57%。

    Xuzhou-Xuyi Hilly Land Province and Huaibei Plain Province have obvious features of Palaearctic fauna and Palaearctic birds were accounting for 68.31 % , 68.57 % respectively .

  27. 我国动物地理区划向以横跨古北界和东洋界而著称,但两界在我国东部即秦岭以东地区的精确划界始终没有明确的认识。

    China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm , but the precise pision east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while .

  28. 分布的50种兽类,区系上以古北界北方泰加林为主,即北方型兽类占该山区种数的52%。

    50 species of mammals are mainly north Palaearctic region ; that is to say , northern type mammals occupy 52 % of total number in this area .

  29. 两属中的绝大部分已知种类都分布在东洋界,仅有零星种类分布到了古北界的日本。

    Most of the known species of the two genera are distributed in Oriental Realm , few species are distributed in Japan , which is distributed in Palaearctic Realm .

  30. 淮南平原省和宁-宜丘陵山地省具有过渡性区系特征,前者偏重于古北界区系,后者偏重于东洋界区系。

    Huainan Plain Province and Nanjing-Yixing Mountains Province have features of Transitional flora . The former inclined to the Palaearctic fauna while the latter inclined to the Oriental fauna .