
  • 网络E-MAIL;E mail;Email;Email Address;E-Mail Address
  1. 你有电子信箱吗?

    Do you have an e-mail box ?

  2. 他的电子信箱是小写t,史密斯(Smith)——t和史密斯要连在一起,小老鼠(@),ccw,点com,点tw。

    And his e-mail is lower case t , smith -- that 's one word , at , c , c , w , dot , com , dot , t , w.

  3. 相关文件将以PDF格式发送到您的电子信箱中。

    The files will then be sent to you by email in PDF format .

  4. 发挥电子信箱系统(E-mail)在环境信息传输中的作用用VB实现Email附件的发送

    To bring into Full Playing Use of Electron Mailbox System ( E mail ) in Environment Information Transmission . Realizing Email Attachment Sending With VB

  5. 故市长电子信箱的服务质量不仅是政府e化服务能力的一种标志,更是影响公众对政府服务满意度的重要因素。

    Therefore , the service quality of Mayor 's Electronic Mailbox not only becomes the manifest index of the capability of e-Government service , but also influences citizen 's satisfaction with government services .

  6. 还有我以前从没这样频繁地查电子信箱。

    And also , I have never checked my e-mails more .

  7. 谢谢你们把你们的需要发到我的电子信箱里

    And thank you for leaving your requests on my email .

  8. 谢谢你们把你们的需要发到我的电子信箱里。

    And thank you for leaving your requests on my e-mail .

  9. 政府门户网站中市长电子信箱的绩效评估

    The Performance Evaluation of Major 's Electronic Mailbox of Government Portal Website

  10. 然后我们就能分享电子信箱地址了。

    Then after that we can share email addresses .

  11. 不要把我的电子信箱改成大写字母,因为我的电子信箱是小写。

    Don 't uppercase my e-mail , because my e-mail is lower case .

  12. 基于模糊层次分析法的市长电子信箱绩效评估

    The Evaluation of Mayor 's Electronic Mailbox Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

  13. 我需要申请一个新的电子信箱。

    I need to get a new email account .

  14. 邮政系统反贪污贿赂公款吃回扣举报电子信箱!

    Postal system against corruption and bribery of public funds to report kickbacks email !

  15. 电子信箱和我国电子信箱业务发展策略

    E-mail and Strategy of Developing E-mail in China

  16. 我想看看我的电子信箱,还想给朋友发几封电子邮件。

    I 'd like to check my mailbox and send some e-mails to my friends .

  17. 因此,如果可以的话,请告诉我,您的电子信箱。

    So , I wonder whether you could let me know your email or not .

  18. 然后,他开始打开电子信箱。

    Then he started opening his email .

  19. 输入你朋友的电子信箱地址。

    Type your friend 's e-mail address .

  20. 当您忘记密码时,将寄送密码至以下您所填写的电子信箱或手机。

    If you forget password , we will send password to your E-mail or mobile phone .

  21. 我还想检查我的电子信箱,但却怎么也记不起密码。

    I also wanted to check my email , but I couldn 't remember the password .

  22. 电子信箱的地址应该按原样包括伊特网服务公司的名称打印。

    Email addresses should appear in their original format with the Internet service company clearly stated .

  23. 这是我的电子信箱地址。

    Here is my email address .

  24. 为便利通讯,请将你的电子信箱提供给办公室的施小萍女士。

    Please be sure to provide your current e-mail address to MS shiauping Shih at the office .

  25. 选择你要订阅的新闻,并输入你的电子信箱地址。

    You choose the news which you want to subscribe , and type into your E-mail address .

  26. 可以说,自互联网诞生,电子信箱的启用,垃圾邮件就产生了。

    Can say , be born from Internet , of electronic mailbox enable , rubbish mail arose .

  27. 请填入你的名字和电子邮件.确认电子邮件将会被送到你的电子信箱。

    Please enter your name and email address . A confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox .

  28. 可不可以给我他的电子信箱,以防万一我打电话找不到他?

    And could I have his e-mail , just in case I can 't get him by phone ?

  29. 和朋友失去联系的原因是他们没有电子信箱。

    Your reason for not staying in touch with friends is that they do not have e-mail addresses .

  30. 本文在分析国内外电子信箱业务开办现状及未来展望的基础上,对我国今后如何发展和开办电子信箱业务提出几点建议。

    At last , some proposals of how to develop E - mail in China are put forward .