
  1. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。

    We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw , before moving up into Eastern Shan state , the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos , where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages .

  2. 掸邦民族人民解放组织;

    Ssa ; shan State Nationalities people 's liberation organization ;

  3. 信中还提到北掸邦军与缅军是并肩作战对付反仰光的叛军蒙泰军(MTA)。

    The letter also mentioned the group 's past clashes against the anti-Rangoon Mong Tai Army ( MTA ) on the side of the Burma Army .

  4. 缅甸克钦邦-掸邦地区成矿与找矿

    On the metallogenesis and ore prospecting in kachin-shan area , Myanmar

  5. 2007年缅甸军政府曾邀请南掸邦军举行了一次和平会谈。

    The Burma Army invited the SSA'South'for a peace talk in2007 .

  6. 他展开武装抵抗的消息立即传遍整个掸邦。

    News of his armed resistance group immediately spread throughout the state .

  7. 北掸邦军分裂成两派?

    Ceasefire Shan Army to split into two factions ?

  8. 北掸邦军第一旅的单位遭缅军突然袭击。

    A unit of the SSA North 's First Brigade attacked without provocation .

  9. 大其力当地民团体和南掸邦军昨天发生武装冲突。

    There were clashes between Tachilek-based militia groups and the SSA-S near Tachilek yesterday .

  10. 除了北掸邦军以外,民族武装基地都是设于中缅边界沿线。

    Apart from the Shan State Army " North ," all are based along the Sino-Burma border .

  11. 1997年,吴登盛成为缅甸东部掸邦的金三角地区指挥部司令。

    In1997 , Thein Sein became the commander of the Triangle Region Command based in eastern Shan State .

  12. 但有半打的武装组织继续战斗,其中包括克伦民族联盟和南掸邦军。

    A half dozen others continue to fight , including the Karen National Union and Shan State Army-South .

  13. 缅军和佤族部队都加强了沿掸邦北部划定地区位置状态。

    Both Burmese and Wa troops had reinforced their positions along demarcated territories in the Northern Shan State .

  14. 不过,迄今为止,这两家民族武装都不愿意回应军政对北掸邦军的军事行动。

    However , both are reluctant to respond to the junta 's military action against the SSA-N so far .

  15. 南掸邦军副发言人宰盛蒙,支持召开彬龙型协商会议。

    Sai Sheng Murng , deputy spokesman of the Shan State Army-South , supported the call for a Panglong-type conference .

  16. 佤联军代表团由苏拜迪率领,北掸邦军第一旅代表团由首席行政官赛发率领。

    The Wa group was led by Sao Peti and the First Brigade group by Chief Administrative Officer Lt-Colonel Hsai Fa .

  17. 无论如何,掸邦军永远期待与缅甸军政府选择一个对于双方都安全的场所进行和平谈判。

    Anyhow the SSA will always welcome peace talks with the Burma Army if there is a safe venue for both sides .

  18. 今日在掸邦东部迈曼镇举行盛大仪式庆祝掸邦东部边境警卫部队成立。

    A ceremony to form Shan State ( East ) Border Guard Force was held in Metmang on a grand scale today .

  19. 掸邦民族起义背后的原因在本质上与其他族群一样:政治不平等或在行政管理不合理。

    The reasons behind the Shan uprising were essentially the same as other ethnic groups : inequality in political and administrative matters .

  20. 反政府的南掸邦军领导人约赛中将称,此次发生的最新冲突为在15天内第三次冲突。

    The latest clash , the third in15 days , has been confirmed by the anti-Naypyitaw SSA South leader , Lt-Gen Yawdserk .

  21. 一位分析专家说,缅军是玩游戏,以防止停火武装与南掸邦军联手抗敌。

    One border analyst says the Burma Army is playing games to keep the ceasefire groups from teaming up with the SSA South .

  22. 作为回应,佤联军,勐腊军,北掸邦军的第一旅,克钦独立组织就此组成军事同盟。

    In response , the UWSA , NDAA , SSA-N1st Brigade and Kachin Independence Organisation ( KIO ) have entered a military alliance .

  23. 掸邦领导人非常有耐心对待新缅甸政府,即使在他们感到他们已经遭受背叛协议。

    The Shan State leaders were patient with the new Burmese government even after they felt they had been betrayed by the agreement .

  24. “他们如今正准备收集与掸邦军有联系的人员清单,”他说。

    " They are now preparing to collect the list of people who used to have relations with the SSA ," he said .

  25. 关闭主要的缅甸、中国和泰国贸易通道上的,位于掸邦重要勐腊-景栋公路的大平检查站。

    This highway is the main trading route in Shan State and is an important thoroughfare for goods between Burma , China and Thailand .

  26. 根据2008年宪法,佤族、帕朗族在掸邦北部有权利建立自己的自治区域。

    The Palaung and Wa in northern Shan State have the right to set up their own autonomous regions , according to the2008 Constitution .

  27. 从1961年缅军与缅共武装在掸邦交战开始,孟古山官杜瓦铸岛一直与缅甸中央政府合作。

    Zuk Dau , has dealt with the Burman-led central government since the army started offensive wars against the CPB in Shan State in1961 .

  28. 北掸邦军和南掸邦军在掸邦孟密地区联合与缅军交战,这是两军第一次联合作战。

    Shan State Army ( SSA ) North and SSA South join hands for the first time fighting against the Burma Army in Mongmit .

  29. 他欢迎星期天聚会的决定,如果南掸邦军有机会参加,他们将进一步研究会议议程安排。

    He welcomed the decision to meet on Sunday and said if his group had a chance to participate it would study the agenda .

  30. 军政府现在在掸邦北部民兵进行军事训练,以协助保卫大选投票。

    The military junta is now giving military training to its militia men in northern Shan State to assist in safeguarding of the election polls .