
  • 网络Rakhine State;arakan;state of Rakhine
  1. Reuters缅甸总统吴登盛与印度总理辛格上周在新德里。印度外交部在新闻吹风会上说,印度终于认真考虑了开发缅甸西部若开邦(Rakhine)实兑港(Sittwe)计划。

    In a briefing , India 's Ministry of External Affairs said it finally was serious about plans to develop Myanmar 's Sittwe port in western Rakhine state .

  2. 这些前往马来西亚的难民,很多都来自缅甸若开邦(Rakhine)西部或者孟加拉国的难民营。

    Many of the refugees bound for Malaysia are either from the western Rakhine state of Myanmar or from refugee camps in Bangladesh .

  3. 两大宗教团体之间持续不断的紧张局势已经从缅甸西部的若开邦(Rakhine)蔓延至该国其它地区。冲突导致数百人死亡,成千上万的穆斯林流离失所。

    Continuing tensions between the two religious groups have spread from the western Rakhine state across other areas of the country , leaving hundreds dead and thousands of Muslims displaced .

  4. ElfdaAlumba是返回若开邦的难民之一。

    Elfda Alumba is a refugee who has returned to the Rakhine State .

  5. 若开邦曾是一个独立的国家。

    Rakhine state was once independent .

  6. 若开邦的暴力事件已导致200人死亡,逾10万人流离失所。

    Two hundred people are dead and more than 100,000 displaced because of the violence in Rakhine .

  7. 据说若开邦有超过一百万穆斯林被拒绝授予公民身份,这导致他们的行动受限,无法享受权利。

    Over one million Muslims in Rakhine are reportedly denied citizenship , which leads to their movement restricted and rights denied .

  8. 在缅甸西海岸的若开邦,鱼板面上要盖一层熟鱼片和一团辣酱。

    On the west coast , in Rakhine State , it 's topped with flaked cooked fish and a dollop of chile paste .

  9. 若开邦的佛教徒通常认为自己“不属于缅甸,而属于阿拉干王国”(对古代若开帝国的称呼)。

    Buddhists in Rakhine often identify themselves as belonging " not Myanmar , but the Arakan kings " ( a reference to the ancient Rakhine Empire ) .

  10. 在仰光著名的若开邦政治家埃塔昂说,联邦选举委员会显然是挑选审批类似‘若开邦民族力量’这样亲军政府的政党。

    Aye Tha Aung , a prominent Arakanese politician in Rangoon , said that the EC is obviously singling out pro-junta parties like the RSNFM for approval .

  11. 这一警告发出之前,缅甸已经尽力让难民们返回本国的若开邦,该地区是受去年8月份暴力事件影响最为严重的地区之一。

    The warning comes despite the efforts being made in Myanmar to allow the refugees to return to the country 's Rakhine State , the region most seriously affected by the violence last August .

  12. “由联合国前任秘书长科菲·安南领导的若开邦咨询委员会的任务是提出对策解决若开邦佛教徒和穆斯林之间长期存在的教派冲突。

    The Advisory Commission on Rakhine State , headed by former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan , is tasked to propose solutions to resolve long-standing communal conflict between Buddhist and Muslim populations in Rakhine .