
  • 网络John;Saint John Chrysostom
  1. 稍后,在圣保罗曾向雅典基督徒宣道之处,若望·保禄再与Christodoulos会晤。

    Later John Paul and Christodoulos met on a spot where Saint Paul had once preached to Athenian Christians .

  2. 教宗若望保禄二世,《信仰与理性》通谕1998。

    Pope John Paul II , Encyclical letter : Faith and Reason , 1998 .

  3. 2007年《东方红》刘若望雕塑主题个展&北京新加坡兴艺画廊;

    2007'The East is Red'Liu Ruowang Solo Exhibition Beijing Singapore Xingyi Gallery ;

  4. 若望它繁茂生长就切勿在其长成之前折败花朵

    You want it to grow and not pluck it before its time .

  5. 用剑杀了若望的哥哥雅各伯。

    And he killed James , the brother of John , with the sword .

  6. 伯多禄和若望定睛看著他说:「你看我们!

    But Peter with John fastening his eyes upon him , said : Look upon us .

  7. 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。

    At that time , the pontiff , Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting .

  8. 大卫:你是说教宗若望保禄的消息?我听说他病得很重。

    David : you mean about Pope John paul ? I 'd heard that he was very ill .

  9. 若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。

    John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes .

  10. 从会堂一出来,他就同雅各伯、若望来到西满和安德肋的家。

    On leaving the synagogue , Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew with James and john .

  11. 圣十字若望定义「默观」为「秘密的爱的知识、维系著理智与意志的互动」。

    Having defined contemplation as " a secret loving-knowledge , pertaining to both the intellect and the will ", St.

  12. 你们的使者若望及阿贝沙隆呈递下附的函件,请求批准所列的事项。

    John and Absalom , your envoys , have delivered to us your written petitions , asking us to respond .

  13. 若望·保禄二世又说,对君士坦丁堡的洗劫,是天主教徒的“深切悔恨”之源。

    John Paul II also said that the sacking of Constantinople was a source of " profound regret " for Catholics .

  14. 这是自9年前教宗若望保禄二世后的首次宗教访问。

    It is the first trip to the region since Pope John Paul II made a similar some nine years ago .

  15. 莉贝卡:这麽多人,都是要向盛装躺卧著供人瞻仰的教宗若望保禄致敬告别的。

    Rebecca : So many , all want to pay their final respects at the lying in state of Pope John Paul .

  16. 第一张摄于2005年,画面中是人头攒动的梵蒂冈教廷广场,人们在教皇若望·保禄二世的葬礼上举行悼念活动。

    The first , taken in 2005 , depicts a crowd gathered at the Vatican for Pope John Paul II 's funeral .

  17. 它除了是物质上的地方,还更是指接待的精神,即玛利亚与若望之间所建立的新关系。

    Beyond the material aspect , it evokes the spiritual dimension of this welcome and of the new bond established between Mary and John .

  18. 教皇若望保禄二世表示,相比在西方资本主义国家,宗教在无神论的东方更受欢迎&至少在波兰是很受欢迎的。

    Pope John Paul II demonstrated that religion was even more popular in the atheist East or at least in Poland than in the capitalist West .

  19. 耶稣又向前走了不远,看见了载伯德的儿子:雅各伯和他兄弟若望。他俩正在船上修整鱼网。

    Jesus went a little farther on and saw James and john , the sons of zebedee ; they were in their boat mending their nets .

  20. 还有大司祭亚纳斯和盖法、若望、亚历山大以及大司祭家族的人。

    And Annas the high priest , and Caiphas , and John , and Alexander , and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest .

  21. 基督教萌芽时期,其中的任何一位主教都与中世纪教堂的亲王有区别,与今日英国坎特伯雷大主教若望•威廉斯亦不同。

    Whatever a " bishop " was at Christianity 's dawn , he was something different from the princes of the medieval church , and different from Rowan Williams , today 's top Anglican .

  22. 在此我极希望提倡祈祷的迫切性。如金口若望所言,牧者必需战胜魔鬼,才能立于稳处。

    But here I would like above all to talk about the needfulness of prayer so that , as Chrysostom might say , the shepherds can defeat the devil and so that they are not lessened .

  23. 那日他们要向以色列人吼叫,象海浪砰訇;人若望地,只见黑暗艰难,光明在云中变为昏暗。

    And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea : and if one look unto the land , behold darkness and sorrow , and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof .