
  • 网络Ruoergai grassland;zoige grassland
  1. 直升机飞播种草能提高草原植被盖度、高度和产草量,是大面积治理若尔盖沙化草原的一种有效措施。

    Helicopter seeding grass which is an effective way of controlling grassland desertification can improve grassland vegetation coverage , height and yield of grass .

  2. 根据野外调查与遥感解译结果,结合前人的研究资料,论述了若尔盖高原草原沙化的自然因素和人为因素。

    This paper mainly analyzes the natural and anthropogenic causes of grassland desertification in the Ruoergai Plateau using the method of remote sensing and field investigation .

  3. 应用NOAA/AVHRR数据识别川西北高原若尔盖县草原鼠危害区的研究。

    The application of NOAA / AVHRR satellite data in the identification of rat damaging area in the grassland of northwest plateau of Sichuan was reported in this paper .