
  1. 访国家环保总局局长解振华:坚持改革创新努力健全环保长效机制

    Insist on Reforming and Innovating , Perfect the Long Mechanism of Environmental Protection

  2. 这让解振华的处境很困难。

    This makes Mr Xie 's position difficult .

  3. 环保非政府组织也被请来与解振华一起举行专门的吹风会。

    Environmental non-governmental organisations are also being called in for separate briefings with Mr Xie .

  4. 对于这个问题,解振华面露愠色。

    Mr Xie bristles at the question .

  5. 解振华星期三强调了北京在减排问题上的立场&中国是发展中国家,而不是发达国家。

    Xie Wednesday emphasized Beijing 's position that in regard to reducing emissions , it is a developing-not a developed-country .

  6. 此外,国家发改委副主任解振华与斯特恩特使一行举行了会谈。

    Besides , Vice-Director Xie Zhenhua of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) had talks with the delegation .

  7. 解振华表示,到2030年所需的设备投资规模和基础设施投资将带来“就业机会”。

    Mr Xie said the scale of investment in equipment and infrastructure investment needed by 2030 would translate into " job opportunities . "

  8. 美国总统特使约翰·克里正在访问中国,他将在上海与中国气候变化事务特使解振华举行会谈。

    U.S. special presidential envoy John Kerry is visiting China and he will hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua in Shanghai .

  9. 汪文斌还表示,克里访问中国期间将与中国气候代表解振华会面,克里的访问将持续到周五。

    Wang Wenbin also says John Kerry will meet with Chinese climate representative Xie Zhenhua during his visit which will last until Friday .

  10. 解振华表示,据某个国际组织估计,穷国需要1万亿美元来应对全球变暖日益严重的影响。

    Mr Xie said one international organisation had estimated that poor countries needed $ 1tn to deal with the growing impact of global warming .

  11. 解振华表示:“大家现在对气候变化进程的热情并没有减,但是都有一些疑虑。”

    Mr Xie said : " Enthusiasm isn 't the problem but there are some doubts . I believe other countries feel the same . "

  12. 在气候谈判中,如果解振华认为其他国家提出了过分的要求,他有时会拍桌,这让他出名。

    Mr Xie has been known to bang the odd table in climate talks when confronted with what he felt were unrealistic demands from other countries .

  13. 中国气候变化问题首席谈判代表解振华,也对在坎昆达成更有力国际协定的前景表示怀疑。

    Xie Zhenhua , China 's lead climate change negotiator , also sounded sceptical about the prospects for a more robust international agreement at Canc ú n.

  14. 解振华呼吁发达国家在率先大幅度减少能耗和污染方面“做得更多、更好”。

    Xie repeated calls for developed nations to " do more and do better " in taking the lead to substantially reduce energy use and pollutants .

  15. 说到政府部门的职位,很少有比中国在气候变化问题上的首席谈判代表解振华的工作更棘手的。

    When it comes to difficult government jobs , few are as tricky as the one held by Xie Zhenhua , China 's chief negotiator on climate change .

  16. 这是国家环保总局局长解振华不久前在国务院新闻办公室举行的记者招待会上宣布的。

    This was released by Xie Zhenhua , minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration , at a recent press conference sponsored by the Information Office of the State Council .

  17. 解振华后来表示,全球变暖是一个确凿的事实,已经对发展中国家产生了影响,但对于造成这种现象的原因,仍存在不确定性。

    Mr Xie said later global warming was a solid fact that was already having an impact on developing countries but that there were still uncertainties over the cause of the phenomenon .

  18. 上周,美国气候特使约翰·克里前往上海与中国气候特使解振华举行会谈,这是拜登政府官员首次对中国进行高级别访问。

    Last week , U.S. climate envoy John Kerry traveled to Shanghai to meet his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua , marking the first high-level visit to China by a Biden administration official .

  19. 解振华表示,如果有其它国家效仿欧盟,那就有助于增进谈判中的互信。他补充说,发展中国家在对付气候变化方面已经付出最大努力。

    If they did , it would help strengthen mutual trust at the talks , Mr Xie said , adding that developing countries had already made their utmost efforts to tackle climate change .

  20. 关键难点之一是,中国拒绝让其排放情况接受国际监测。中国代表团团长解振华表示,他对峰会结果感到满意。

    A key sticking point has been China 's refusal to allow international monitoring of its emissions , and China 's top climate negotiator Xie Zhenhua said he was satisfied with the summit 's outcome .

  21. 但美国方面表示,解振华所说的新协定究竟意味着什么,仍不十分清楚。明年面临大选的美国,不愿支持任何带有法律条约意味的协定。

    But the US , which is reluctant to embrace anything smacking of a legal treaty before a presidential election year , said it was unclear precisely what Mr Xie meant by a new agreement .

  22. 北京一些具有影响力、为国家发改委(解振华担任副主任)等政府部门提供建议的智库和研究机构一直在评估排放量可能在何时见顶。

    The influential Beijing think-tanks and institutes that advise ministries such as the National Development and Reform Commission , where Mr Xie is vice-chairman , have been working on an assessment of a likely peaking period .

  23. 我们公布了10项措施来解决空气污染,解振华表示,如果认真落实这些措施,5到10年就能还北京一片晴空。

    We have published 10 measures to address air pollution , says Mr Xie . If those measures can be honoured , it will take five to 10 years for Beijing to have a clear sky .

  24. 有一种观点认为,气候变化是由自然界本身的周期性趋势所导致的,中国国家发改委副主任解振华在新德里一个记者招待会上表示。

    There is a view that climate change is caused by cyclical trends in nature itself , Xie Zhenhua , vice-chairman of China 's National Development and Reforms Commission , told a press conference in New Delhi .

  25. 卡涅特此番言论发表于其与前中国国家发展和改革委员会副主任,中国气候首席谈判代表解振华在布鲁塞尔漫长而详尽的气候谈判之后。

    Canete was speaking in the wake of " lengthy and detailed " discussions in Brussels about climate negotiations with Xie Zhenhua , former vice-minister of the National Development and Reform Commission and China 's lead climate negotiator .

  26. 路透社报道,解振华表示,对墨西哥会议上达成协议不报太大希望,谈判专员们希望在2011年年底前能够达成具法律约束力的全球气候协议。

    In a blow to any lingering hopes that the world could reach a deal in Mexico , Xie said that negotiators aim to seal a binding pact on global warming by the end of2011 , Reuters said .

  27. 换言之,随着中国经济日渐成熟和降低对重工业的依赖,它希望在解振华所称的用更清洁能源代替燃煤发电的巨大努力基础上,更上一层楼。

    In other words , China wants to build on what Mr Xie describes as the tremendous efforts already made to replace coal power with cleaner energy sources as its economy matures and becomes less reliant on heavy industry .

  28. 负责气候变化事务的中国国家发改委副主任解振华表示,它们说得太多,但做得不够。他又称,发达国家和发展中国家之间的冲突是受到商业和政治利益的推动。

    They have talked much , but not done much , said Xie Zhenhua , China 's minister in charge of climate change , adding that the conflict between developed and developing nations was driven by commercial and political interest .

  29. 换言之,随着中国经济日渐成熟和降低对重工业的依赖,它希望在解振华所称的用更清洁能源代替燃煤发电的“巨大努力”基础上,更上一层楼。

    In other words , China wants to build on what Mr Xie describes as the " tremendous efforts " already made to replace coal power with cleaner energy sources as its economy matures and becomes less reliant on heavy industry .

  30. 我特别要感谢远道而来参加第三轮战略与经济对话的中国客人,非常欢迎解振华主任、马欣司长和其他中方同事们。

    I especially want to thank our Chinese guests who have flown here to be part of the third Strategic and Economic Dialogue . Minister Xie Zhenhua and Director General Ma Xin as well as all the other Chinese colleagues are most welcome .