
  • 网络analy- tic sPace
  1. 这个可以满足所有约束的解析空间称为可行域(feasibleregion)。

    The solution space that satisfies all the constraints is called the feasible region .

  2. 然而,我们需要注意这个解析空间仍然是无限的(这依然可能成为我希望移居Caribbean的一种情况!)

    Note , however , that this solution space is still infinite ( that would be a situation in which I 'd move to the Caribbean !)

  3. 这个解析空间包含了(x1,x2)在第一象限的所有可能值,它们可以满足修整工时约束。

    The solution space contains all the possible ( x1 , x2 ) solutions in the first quadrant that satisfy the finishing hours constraint .

  4. 正如我们给出的约束一样,这个无限的解析空间达到了边界。

    As the constraints were written , this unlimited solution space gained boundaries .

  5. 注意,这个解析空间更小。

    Note that the solution space is smaller .

  6. 这样解析空间更小了。

    The solution space gets smaller still .

  7. 单位圆盘上解析Hilbert空间的极值函数

    The Extremal Functions of Analytic Hilbert Spaces over the Unit Disk

  8. 再生解析Hilbert空间上的复合算子

    Composition Operators on Reproducing Analytic Hilbert Spaces

  9. 由对称测度定义的解析函数空间上的Toeplitz算子

    Toeplitz Operators on the Spaces of Analytic Functions with Symmetric Measures

  10. 在再生解析Hilbert空间上,我们将可迁代数问题约化成对不变图子空间的纤维维数的计算。

    On re-producing analytic Hilbert spaces , we reduce the transitive algebra problem to the calculus of fiber dimension of invariant graph subspaces .

  11. 解析函数空间的循环元及相关算子理论

    Cyclic Vectors of Analytic Function Spaces and Related Operator Theory

  12. 一类解析函数空间的加权函数系

    A Class of Weighted System in Spaces of Analytic Functions

  13. 从立体构成的角度解析室内空间构成

    Analyze the space composing from the stereoscopic composing angle

  14. 解析函数空间上的算子不变子空间

    Invariant Subspaces in the Spaces of Analytic Functions

  15. 西北太平洋边缘海区海面变化多尺度解析及空间分异

    Multi-scale analysis of sea-level change and its spatial characteristics in northwest Pacific Ocean marginal seas

  16. 焦作城市大气SO2污染源解析及空间分析

    Analysis of SO_2 pollution resources and spatial analysis of the atmosphere in the urban area

  17. 本文主要讨论了常见的解析函数空间上的等距算子的一些性质。

    This paper mainly discusses some properties of isometric operators on some analytic function spaces . 1 .

  18. 空间七杆机构位置解析与空间六杆机器人机构位置逆解

    The Displacement Analysis of the Spatial 7 - link Mechanism and the Inverse Displacement Solution of Spatial 6-link Manipulator

  19. 以创意建筑长城下公社为范本解析色彩空间环境的构筑形式法则及应用。

    Creativity building the Great Wall next commune as analytical color space environment of sample build form rule and application .

  20. 文中给出了一类作用于解析函数空间的加权函数系,并刻划了它的特性。

    In this paper , a class of weighted system in spaces of analytic functions is given , and its characterizations is discussed .

  21. 单复变数解析函数空间H~p、D~P等的研究已有很久的历史,并且也得到了许多比较完美的结果。

    The study of analytic function spaces of one complex variable has a long time , and obtains a lot of complete results .

  22. 本文试图通过宗教这种文化因素来解析城镇空间和地域文化之间的相互关系。

    This paper proceeds with religion and attempts to explain the correlation between town space and region culture through religion as a cultural factor .

  23. 主人房延续了空间的白色简约,以选材的严谨,细节的把握,完美地诠释和解析了空间的概念。

    Extending the simplistic elements to the master bedroom , the hand-picked materials and attention to details fully illustrates the ideal of spatial definition .

  24. 定义在几类解析函数空间上的复合算子列和加权复合算子

    Composition Operator Sequences and Weighted Composition Operators Defined on Analytic Function Spaces ; Boundedness and compactness of weighted composition operator on Bloch spaces of upper half-plane

  25. 同时,给出了其解的表达式和可解条件,并将原来求解空间从解析函数空间推广到亚纯函数空间。

    Meanwhile , the solutions to the problem and solvability conditions are obtained , and we extend the solution space from analytic function space into the meromorphic function space .

  26. 不能提供图片信息解析,空间数据分析查询,因而对用户的模糊查询支持较弱,用户查询体验不够友好。

    The server cannot afford the picture information resolve , geo-space data analysis , so the fuzzy query capability is poor , user interactive experience is not friendly . 2 .

  27. 此外,最近,随着解析函数空间上的线性算子和解析函数的微分从属技术的应用,几何函数论本身获得了迅速地发展。

    In addition , recently , with the applications of linear operators on analytic function space and differential subordination technique of analytic functions , Geometric Function Theory itself obtain a quick development .

  28. 庭空间的空间形态可解析为空间形式、比例尺度两部分,这两部分的确定要和建筑的整体设计、庭空间的功能需求、庭空间的主题营造相统一。

    Court of space form can be resolved spatial form , the ratio scale of two parts , both determined to be part of the overall design and construction , court space , functional requirements , the Court of space to create the theme of unity .

  29. 将地址解析为地理空间点的方法存根与SeamRemoting方法存根的工作原理相同。

    The method stub that translates addresses to geo-spatial points works similarly to the Seam Remoting method stubs .

  30. 单位球中解析函数Hilbert空间上的加权复合算子的伴随及其应用

    Adjoints of Weighted Composition Operators on the Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions in the Unit Ball and Its Applications