
  • 网络interpreted language;explanatory language
  1. 这是到目前为止最为精彩的组成部分,因为它使XO-1成为一个直接的开发环境(Python是一门解释性语言)。

    This is by far the most interesting element , because it makes the XO-1 an immediate development environment . ( Python is an interpreted language . )

  2. 大多数原型设计工具都使用解释性语言来指定行为,允许以一种并不是很精确和可靠的方式进行更快速的开发工作。

    Most prototyping tools use an interpreted language to specify behavior , allowing for faster development with ( sometimes ) less rigor and robustness .

  3. 实际上,Internet上的许多大型网站都使用的是解释性语言。

    In reality , many of the largest sites on the Internet use interpreted languages .

  4. 本文所建仿真平台采用C++语言编写程序,程序执行效率相比于解释性语言的Matlab等有较大优势,且程序通用性良好。

    In this paper , we build the simulation platform with C + + language , which is much better than that with other explanatory languages such as Matlab . Also , the program has good generality .

  5. 动态代码检查及其在解释性语言中的应用

    Dynamic Code Analysis and Its Implementation in Interpreted Languages

  6. 通过描述性的语言准确阐述研究结果,再通过解释性语言鞭辟入里的剖析得出研究成果。

    Through the describing language , it can get the exact nature of the findings , and through the explanatory language conclude the final research results .

  7. 该文重点分析了时序安全特性和竞争条件等代码分析热点问题,给出了时序安全特性的分类以及形式化描述,提出了将模式识别应用于解释性语言中的动态代码检查方法。

    In this paper , a method of dynamic code analysis is proposed to apply the model checking into interpreted languages . The classification and formal description of temporal safety properties are discussed for managing and maintaining them .

  8. 根据教学语言表达方式的不同,可将声乐教学中的有声语言分为形象性语言、指令性语言、叙述性语言、解释性语言和口诀式语言。

    According to the express mode of voice teaching language , the voice teaching language of vocal music can be divided into visual language 、 instructing language 、 depicting language 、 explicative language and a pithy formula language .

  9. 首先讨论了解释性语言宏替换的基本原理、功能特性及其在程序设计中的优点:应用宏替换功能不仅可以使程序的编制更加灵活而且可简化程序的编写。

    This paper discusses the basic principles , function of macro substitution in explanatory programming languages and its advantages in program designing . The application of macro substitution not only makes the programming easier but also simplifies the coding .

  10. JavaScript是标准的、语法简单的、面向对象的、受浏览器和其他处理器支持的解释性编程语言。

    JavaScript is a standard , syntactically simple , object-oriented , interpretive programming language supported by browsers and other processors .

  11. 对解释性BASIC语言的运行机制、剖析过程及测量语句的扩充方法,母线分析仪功能的实现、GPIB接口卡的设计等诸方面均进行了详尽的探讨。

    The dissect to interpret BASIC language and Extension method for measurment Sentence , Completion of Bus Analyzer Function , and Design for GPIB interface care , etc , is all described .

  12. 条件效果是智能规划处理更具解释性动作描述语言中最难解决的一种类型。

    Conditional Effects is the most difficult one in dealing with more expressive action description language in AI planning .