
  • 网络Jonah;jonas;Jonah Falcon;Yonah
  1. 宾夕法尼亚大学学者约拿•伯格说:"‘越血腥越好’这条规则对大众媒体是有效的,他们只想吸引眼球,不会在乎你的感受。

    The ‘ if it bleeds ' rule works for mass media , " says Jonah Berger , a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania . " They want your eyeballs and don 't care how you 're feeling .

  2. 那个小女孩说约拿(一位西伯来先知)就是被鲸鱼吞掉的。

    The little girl stated that a whale swallowed Jonah .

  3. 小女孩说,约拿被一条鲸鱼吞噬。

    The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale .

  4. 她的老师问:“那么,假如约拿下了地狱怎么办?”

    The teacher asked , " What if Jonah went to hell ? "

  5. 小女孩说,“好吧,当我到达天堂,我会问约拿”。

    The little girl said , " Well , when I get to Heaven , I will ask Jonah . "

  6. 那个小女孩说:“那等我到了天堂,就去问问约拿。”

    it was physically impossible . The little girl said , " When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah . "

  7. BuzzFeedCEO约拿o佩雷蒂在接受《财富》采访时表示,他认为BuzzFeed的视频业务有可能达到甚至超过BuzzFeed.com网站本身的规模。

    In an interview with Fortune , BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti said he believes the video business could become as big or bigger than BuzzFeed.com .

  8. 〈约拿书〉可能写于西元前5或4世纪。

    The book was probably written in the5th or4th century BC .

  9. 约拿单去了百姓却不知道。

    And the people had no idea that Jonathan had gone .

  10. 约拿单叫大卫来,把这一切事告诉他,带他去见扫罗。

    So Jonathan called David and told him the whole conversation .

  11. 约拿书安全了,但他仍然非常害怕。

    Jonah was safe , but he was still very frightened .

  12. 大卫仍住在树林里,约拿单回家去了。

    Then Jonathan went home , but David remained at Horesh .

  13. 约拿对这事大大不悦,并且发怒。

    But it displeased Jonah greatly , and he was angry .

  14. 约拿单甚至数次主动寻找和救助大卫。

    Several times Jonathan went to find David and to help him .

  15. 约拿单也回城里去了。

    Then David left , and Jonathan went back to the town .

  16. 扫罗的儿子是约拿单,亦施韦,麦基舒亚。

    Saul 's sons were Jonathan , Ishvi and Malki-Shua .

  17. 约拿单对亚多尼雅说,我们的主大卫王诚然立所罗门为王了。

    Jonathan answered . 'Our lord King David has made Solomon king .

  18. 你对约拿单与大卫间之友情有何感想?

    What do you think about the friendship between Jonathan and David ?

  19. 约拿因不遵照上帝嘱咐的去做而犯了罪。

    Jonah sinned by not obeying what God told him to do .

  20. 安妮:挂线吧约拿!别听她的!

    Annie : hang up jonah ! Don 't listen to her !

  21. 基孙人哈深的众子,哈拉人沙基的儿子约拿单。

    Hashem the Gizonite , Jonathan the son of Shagee the Hararite .

  22. 约拿单帮助大卫「在神那里得着力量」。

    Jonathan helped him " find strength in God " .

  23. 他就变成了“囚”徒,就像约拿被困在鲸鱼肚子里。

    He 's a prisoner , just like Jonah inside the whale .

  24. 我们不由得怀疑,在鱼腹中的约拿,怎晓得圣殿的方向!

    We could wonder how Jonah knew which direction the temple wast .

  25. 人们不只听约拿书的,而且他们也相信他。

    The people not only listened to Jonah , they also believed him .

  26. 约拿单的儿子是比勒,撒萨。

    The sons of Jonathan : Peleth and Zaza .

  27. 我们必须摆脱约拿书,这是我们唯一的希望。

    We must get rid of Jonah , it 's our only hope .

  28. 这次约拿书按照被告诉的那样去做。

    This time Jonah did as he was told .

  29. 约拿书知道他不能游得更远了。

    Jonah knew he could not swim much further .

  30. 于是,约拿便在鱼腹里向上帝做祷告。

    Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord out of the fish 's belly .