
  • 网络Milan Jovanovic
  1. 利物浦在今晚宣布他们就约万诺维奇的转会与安德莱赫特达成一致。

    Liverpool confirmed this evening they have reached agreement with Anderlecht for the transfer of Milan Jovanovic .

  2. 霍奇森预期约万诺维奇周日战西布朗维奇的时候能回来。

    Roy Hodgson expects Milan Jovanovic to be back in contention for Liverpool 's Barclays Premier League clash with West Bromwich Albion on Sunday .

  3. 利物浦和AC米兰、英超对手伯明翰很长一段时间与28岁约万诺维奇发生了转会传闻,现在看起来利物浦已经无限接近他们垂涎已久的球员。

    The Reds , along with AC Milan and Premier League rivals Birmingham , have long been linked with the28-year-old and now seem to be on the verge of getting their man .

  4. 不过,霍奇森确认约万诺维奇周日可以回归。

    However , Hodgson confirmed Jovanovic could return to face the Baggies .

  5. 米兰-约万诺维奇宣称他在英国足球氛围中感觉像在家里一样舒服。

    Milan Jovanovic claims he already feels right at home in English football .

  6. 利物浦足球俱乐部今天确认了新签约了塞尔维亚球员米兰-约万诺维奇。

    Liverpool Football Club today confirmed the signing of Serbia international Milan Jovanovic .

  7. 在与新队友见面之前、约万诺维奇今天在梅尔伍德基地与红军签下了三年合同。

    He penned a three-year deal at Melwood today before meeting some of his new teammates .

  8. 约万诺维奇作为贝尼特斯在利物浦的最后一笔签约,也可能加盟安德莱特。

    Jovanovic , who was Rafael Benitez 's final signing for Liverpool , is expected to join Anderlecht .

  9. 完整的科尔采访,还有与米兰约万诺维奇的独家采访,都在这个星期的利物浦周刊。

    The full Cole interview , plus an exclusive with Milan Jovanovic , are in this week 's LFC Weekly .

  10. 约万诺维奇将会没问题的了,但罗德里格斯仍然在病中,阿格(脑震荡)也感觉好多了。

    Jovanovic will be OK , but Maxi Rodriguez is still sick and Daniel Agger ( concussion ) is feeling a lot better too .

  11. 约万诺维奇此前在比利时标准列日俱乐部效力四年、在那里他获得2008年比利时足球先生以及2009年的金靴奖。

    Jovanovic spent the previous four years at Standard Liege , where he won Belgian Footballer of the Year in2008 and the Golden Shoe in2009 .

  12. 在转会来到安菲尔德之前,约万诺维奇在塞维利亚队内参加世界杯时,向他的国家队队友维迪奇、伊万诺维奇问到了关于英超联赛的事情。

    Prior to completing his move to Anfield , Jovanovic quizzed international team-mates like Nemanja Vidic and Branislav Ivanovic about the English league while he was on World Cup duty with Serbia .

  13. 据称,来自德国和土耳其的多家俱乐部一直在关注着约万诺维奇的情况,但霍奇森表示,除非收到合适的报价,否则这位全能攻击手将不会离开利物浦。

    A number of clubs in Germany and Turkey are thought to be monitoring Jovanovic 's situation , but Hodgson insists the versatile forward will only leave if they receive a suitable offer .

  14. 罗伊霍奇森已经确认,他期待将能够派上杰拉德、托雷斯以及约万诺维奇参加周日对阵西布朗的英超联赛。

    Roy Hodgson has confirmed he expects to be able to call on the services of Steven Gerrard , Fernando Torres and Milan Jovanovic for Sunday 's Barclays Premier League fixture with West Bromwich Albion .

  15. 利物浦教练贝尼特斯已经停下求购桑德兰的琼斯脚步,转而投向签下约万诺维奇,后者这个夏天与标准列日合同到期。

    Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has stepped up his efforts to capture Jovanovic , who is out of contract with Liege in the summer , after failing in a pursuit of Sunderland 's Kenwyne Jones .

  16. “在我看来,约万诺维奇现在是、今后也仍然会是一位利物浦球员,直到他自己决定离开或有人提出了让我们无法拒绝的报价”,霍奇森解释道。

    " Jovanovic , as far as I am concerned , is a Liverpool player and will be until such time as he decides to leave or someone comes in and makes us an offer we can 't refuse ," noted Hodgson .