
  • 网络york minster
  1. 玫瑰窗是约克大教堂最有名的彩色玻璃窗户。

    The rose window is the most famous stained-glass window in York minster .

  2. 该岩石洞穴的洞口宽150米,高度为200米,相当于约克大教堂拱形顶棚高度的七倍。

    The rock cave with a150 meters wide opening has200 meters in height , equivalent to seven times of the height of the roof arch of the cathedral of York .

  3. 最后在5月份,夏洛蒂和她一起,先去了约克,在那儿参观了美丽的约克·敏斯特大教堂。人类的作品已经如此美丽,安妮叹息道,上帝的家园又会是什么样呢?

    At last , in May , Charlotte went away with her . They went to York first , where they visited a wonderful church , York Minster . 'If men can make something as beautiful as this , 'Anne whispered , 'what is God 's real home like ? '