
  • 网络Womens Studies;Women's Studies;Women’s Studies;Women Studies
  1. 农村妇女研究综述(1991&1995年)

    A Summary of Rural Womens Studies ( 1991-1995 )

  2. 当代中国妇女研究组织初探

    A Preliminary Study of Women 's Studies Organ - izations in Contemporary China

  3. 仅在百万妇女研究中,就有约50万的女性在接受HRT。

    In the Million Women Study alone , half a million women had taken HRT .

  4. 妇女研究的缘起、发展及现状&兼谈妇女学学科建设问题

    The Genesis , Development and Current Situation for the Woman Study

  5. 近十年来中国妇女研究状况分析

    A Review of the Studies on Women in China from 1995 to 2004

  6. 全国妇联妇女研究所(WSIC)于日前发布了一份报告。

    The Women 's Studies Institute of China ( WSIC ) released a report .

  7. 泛非妇女研究训练中心

    Pan-African Research and Training Centre for Women

  8. 女性学刊的发展与创造力开发&以《妇女研究论丛》为例

    On the Development and Creativity of Women-studies Journals & A case study of Women Studies Series

  9. 唐代的妇女研究一直是学术界关注的问题。

    Research on the women in the Tang dynasty has been the concern of the academia .

  10. 地中海妇女研究学会

    Mediterranean Women 's Studies Institute

  11. 大学要促进妇女研究学科化建设,并积极引导社会舆论;

    Universities should promote the discipline construction of women 's study , and lead a positive public opinion ;

  12. 西方女性主义学术思想的传播及其本土实践&对当前中国妇女研究的思考

    The Dissemination and Practice of Western Feminism in China : Reflections on the Feminist Studies in Present-day China

  13. 纳塔莉•迪伦,妇女研究学毕业,在网上拍卖她的初夜。

    Natalie Dylan , a graduate in women 's studies , who sold her virginity in an online auction .

  14. 20世纪90年代以来,中国少数民族妇女研究取得了长足的进步和发展。

    The studies of ethnic minority women in China have made rapid progress and scored considerable achievements since the 1990 's.

  15. 我国少数民族妇女研究和学科建设,近5年来研究领域和视野不断扩展,不仅关注少数民族妇女生存与发展的热点、焦点和难点问题,还进一步提出解决的措施;

    The minority women 's studies and its disciplinary construction in China in the past five years have made much progress .

  16. 全球化背景下中国妇女研究与国际发展项目&兼谈本土资源和本土化问题

    Chinese Women Studies in the Process of Globalization and the International Development Projects : Problems Related to Local Resources and Localization

  17. 中国妇女研究现状如何,这方面的研究达到何种程度,是个很值得人们关注的问题。

    That how is the current situation of Chinese women 's studies and how far it goes are great concerns to many people .

  18. 女性主义理论与社会性别理论引入中国后,对中国本土的妇女研究的研究方法和研究领域都产生了重要的影响。

    After being introduced into China , the feminism theories and gender theories influenced the research methods and fields of Chinese women 's studies .

  19. 在1994年和1997年组织了翻译、研究出版了两本关于西方女性主义和妇女研究的著作。

    In1994and1997 , the CSWS also organised a group to write and translate into Chinese two books about western feminism and women 's studies .

  20. 我们必须充分认识科学发展观对妇女研究工作的指导意义,认真研究如何在科学发展现的指导下推进我国现阶段妇女研究。

    We must understand well the meaning of the scientific view of development and enhance the study on women in the guidance of it .

  21. 我们很高兴的宣布阿联酋性别和妇女研究组织会议的开幕式会议。

    We are pleased to announce the inaugural conference of the United Arab Emirates Gender and Women 's Studies Consortium ( The Consortium ) .

  22. 本文立足于人大复印报刊《妇女研究》(2003.1&2004.3)转载的文献,对本土妇女研究的现状进行了梳理,认为女性主义理论在中国的研究正走向深入和成熟。

    Based on the reprinted papers of women 's studies ( 2003.1 & 2004.3 ), the status quo of local women 's studies are outlined .

  23. 论美国汉学家高彦颐的明末清初江南妇女研究

    The American Sinologist Dorothy Ko ' Studies on Chinese Women of the South of the Yangtze at the Transitional Period of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  24. 2005年10月,在湖南长沙中国妇女研究会妇女教育专业委员会的第三届年会上,女性高等教育是年会的一个主要议题。

    On the 3rd annual meeting of Women Education Committee of China Women 's Study Seminar , women 's higher education was a major topic .

  25. 中国的妇女研究在尽力争取中国主流的男性学者的注意,但大部分的研究人员仍是简单地选择把女同性恋遗忘。

    While women 's studies is still trying to get more attention from mainstream male scholars in China , most researchers simply leave lesbians out on purpose .

  26. 回族女性研究是中国妇女研究的重要组成部分,20世纪90年代以来,中国回族女性研究取得了长足的进步和发展。

    The studies of Hui women is the important part of Chinese women studies , which have made rapid progress and considerable achievements since the 1990 ' s.

  27. 她的作品除了在文学领域内讲授外,还在美国学、人类学、民族学、历史学、妇女研究等领域内讲授。

    Her books are taught not only in Literature departments , but also in American Studies , Anthropology , Ethnic Studies , History , and Women 's Studies .

  28. 在国内还没有现成的妇女研究理论的情况下,我们不妨取拿来主义的态度,以它山之石来构建自己的性别理论和性别平等的理论大厦。

    Since we have no theory of women 's study in China , it is helpful to construct the gender equality theory on the basis of foreign women 's theory .

  29. 本文从少数民族妇女研究组织的发展状况、少数民族妇女研究的主要进展以及特点和问题等几个方面,对这十余年的中国少数民族妇女研究进行了比较全面的回顾和总结。

    This paper reviews and summarizes generally the development situation of the organizations , the important achievements , the features and the problems of the studies of ethnic minority women .

  30. 这些变化的结果之一是,女性社会学由对社会学、妇女研究的依附走向相对独立,作为一个独立学科的女性社会学正在形成。

    As a result of these changes , the female sociology became independent of sociology and the researches about women . Female sociology , as an independent discipline , came into being at last .