
  • Obstetrician and Gynaecologist;gynecologist;Obstetricians and gynecologists;ob-gyn
  1. 做了多年的妇产科医生,我诊断过的病例不计其数。

    Having been gynecologist for many years , I have diagnosed a lot of cases .

  2. 标题:女性们,你们有没有过男妇产科医生(检查的经历)?感觉怪异,或者不舒服吗?

    Title : Females have you ever had a male gynecologist ? Is it at all weird or uncomfortable ?

  3. 她从自己的妇产科医生那儿听说了微刺激试管受孕,于是在波士顿人工受孕医疗中心(BostonIVF)的缅因分部接受了一周期治疗,这一次的花费是5000美元。

    She heard about minimal-stimulation IVF from her OB-GYN and did one cycle at the Maine location of Boston IVF . Her cost this time : $ 5,000 .

  4. 转型期妇产科医生实习质量提升对策

    Treatments in Promoting the Practice Quality of Gynecologists and Obstetrics in Transition

  5. 你是怎么知道她不是个妇产科医生?

    Why don 't you think she was an ob-gyn ?

  6. 这是我姐&妇产科医生,给我推荐的。

    This is my sister obstetrics doctor recommended to me .

  7. 我第一个就是男妇产科医生,实际上前两个。

    I have as my first one was male , first two actually .

  8. 头衔:舒尔曼联合诊所妇产科医生

    Title : OB / GYN at Shulman & Associates

  9. 我们拥有优秀的妇产科医生。

    We have an excellent gynecological surgeon on staff .

  10. 就诊方向依次为妇产科医生、泌尿外科医生、长辈、其他和药店。结论:洛阳市青少年女性尿失禁患病率为15.93%。

    Conclusions : The prevalence of youngsters female UI in luoyang was 15.93 % .

  11. 我不是妇产科医生,也不是外科医生

    I 'm not an OB / GYN , and I 'm not a surgeon .

  12. 有一天,有个居士带着她妇产科医生的先生到道场来。

    A woman once brought her husband , an OB / GYN , to the temple .

  13. 她的妇产科医生反对她尝试用黑升麻治疗更年期的潮热症状。

    Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes .

  14. 该院妇产科医生沈双双说,最怕的是病人填假资料。

    Shen both obstetrics and gynecology hospital doctors said that patients fear most is that false information to fill .

  15. 妇产科医生常常以官颈外口的形态判断产妇是否曾经生育。

    Gynecologist judges the parturient woman frequently by the official neck collar extension 's shape whether once to give birth .

  16. 妇产科医生明迪的私生活远远没有事业来得那么得春风得意。

    Unfortunately for OB / GYN Mindy , her professional life 's success hasn 't trickled into her personal life .

  17. 然后这个男妇产科医生发表了一个五分钟的演讲,其内容是他最喜欢狗爬式做爱了,而且还做了各种手势。

    My OBGYN went on with a five minute speech on how doggy-style was his favorite position * with gestures , etc.

  18. 文章综述了精神科及妇产科医生在评估、诊断产后抑郁的不同之处,并介绍了近几年产后抑郁与心理社会因素关系的研究进展。

    The difference in diagnosis of postpartum depression between psychotherapist and obstetrician was reviewed-and the actuality of related psychological factors were introduced in this paper .

  19. 因为在美国通常是自然生产出了问题的时侯才开刀,象我这样约好时间的一定要妇产科医生打条条。

    Usually c-sections are for people who are having difficulties with natural delivery . A scheduled c-section like mine would need an order from my OBGYN .

  20. 现从儿童体格生长、智能发育两个方面阐述铅对儿童生长发育的不利影响及其可能机制,以期引起儿童保健医生、儿科医生、妇产科医生的重视。

    The article discusses the affect of lead on the physical growth and the intelligence development of children in order to guide the clinical practice of doctors .

  21. 剖宫产率的上升已经引起了全世界范围内的重视,成为了时下妇产科医生和公共卫生专家们研究和讨论的热点。

    The rise of cesarean section rate has widely concerned around the worldwide , it became the research hot spot of gynecology and obstetrics doctors and public health experts .

  22. 因此早期评估卵巢储备功能,及时治疗卵巢储备功能下降,消除病因,改善症状是目前妇产科医生亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the early ovarian function reserves estimating , timely treatment of ovarian function decline , eliminating causes , and improving symptoms are problems to be solved by gynaecologist presently .

  23. 由于参与此项研究的妇产科医生、护士、接生员们的帮助,生物样品在生产过程中从血液、脐带和胎盘里获得。

    Thanks to the gynaecologists , the nurses and the midwives who participated in the study , biological samples were extracted from the blood , the umbilical cord and the placenta during childbirth .

  24. 明迪•拉赫瑞(明迪•卡灵饰)是位能干的妇产科医生,但私生活却是一片忙乱。她努力寻找“真命天子”、适合自己的服装以及正确的生活态度。

    Dr Mindy Lahiri ( Mindy Kaling ) is a talented obstetrician with a hectic personal life , who struggles to find the right guy , the right outfit and the right attitude .

  25. 妇产科医生马兴说:“如果女性在怀孕前经常做运动,那么孕期坚持锻炼也是正常的,健康的。”她补充说道,强壮的腹肌能缓解孕期的腰酸背疼,有助于分娩和产后恢复。

    Ma Xin , a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology , said : " If the woman does exercise frequently before pregnancy , it 's normal and healthy if she keeps doing it . " She added the mother 's strong abs can prevent the back pain during the pregnancy , facilitate accouchement and help postpartum recovery .

  26. 他在那儿继续学习,终于1971年获得医学博士学位,并于此后成为妇产科专科医生。

    He furthered his education there and in1971 he graduated as a Medical Doctor later specialising in obstetrics .

  27. 该医院的发言人朱亚飞(音)写道,我们的妇产科主治医生拒绝了采访,因为没有数据也没有文献解释污染对孕期女性的影响。

    Our ( obstetrician and gynecologist ) chief refused the interview , because there is no data or document to explain the pollution 's impact to pregnant women , ' wrote spokesperson Yafei Zhu .

  28. 复旦大学附属妇产科医院医生孙晓溪表示,目前冷冻胚胎复苏率达95%以上,冷冻卵子的复苏率只有70%--80%。

    The recovery rate of frozen eggs after thawing is 70 percent to 80 percent in contrast with the more mature technology of frozen embryos whose recovery rate is more than 95 percent , said Sun Xiaoxi , a doctor at Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University .

  29. LailumaNaimzai,妇产科/妇科医生的许可,工作卡尔扎伊,运动队管理与男医生,工程师和企业家工作的她。

    Lailuma Naimzai , an obstetrician / gynecologist on leave to work for Karzai , manages a campaign team with male doctors , engineers , and businessmen working under her .

  30. 今天来访的嘉宾是妇产科专家陈磊医生。

    Chen Lei , en expert in gynaecology and obstetrics .