
xùn dào zhě
  • martyr
殉道者[xùn dào zhě]
  1. 它还可以振振有词地声称殉道者史蒂夫比科(SteveBiko)是它的精神伴侣。

    It could also plausibly claim the martyr Steve Biko as a soul mate .

  2. 我建议他读《米娜,阿富汗的女英雄:创立阿富汗妇女革命联盟的殉道者》这本书,还有《灿烂千阳》(AThousandSplendidSuns)。

    I would suggest him to read " Meena , Heroine of Afghanistan : The Martyr Who Founded RAWA , the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan " and " A Thousand Splendid Suns . "

  3. 正如他们对待白人和黑人的一切关系一样,他们都昂扬着一种近似殉道者的责任感。

    They were upheld , as in all their dealings with the black-white relationship , by a feeling of almost martyred responsibility .

  4. 科学和宗教一样,也有殉道者。

    The sciences have had their martyrs as well as religion .

  5. 与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

    It is better to be a martyr than a confessor .

  6. 如果您想做殉道者的话,神父。

    If you 're going to martyr yourself , abbe .

  7. 真正的殉道者,思想上确实坚定不渝的人。

    The genuine martyr , the man who really is ideologically committed .

  8. 当时有这一种观念,殉道者可以当说情者,为活着基督徒说情。

    This idea that martyrs could be intercessors for living Christians develops .

  9. 西尔维亚·普拉斯是西方女性主义运动的英雄和殉道者。

    Sylvia Plath has become a heroine and martyr of the feminist movement .

  10. 牺牲品及殉道者&玛吉之悲剧的双重性

    A Victim and a Martyr & On the Duality of Maggie 's Tragedy

  11. 英国圣公会和保皇党的殉道者劳德大主教。

    An Anglican and royalist martyr , Archbishop laud .

  12. 你还记得那位殉道者阿布阿萨姆吗?

    Do you remember the martyr Abu assam ?

  13. 殉道者的半生往往很长。

    Martyrs tend to have a long half-life .

  14. 你们输了,就成了殉道者。

    When you lose , you 're martyrs .

  15. 就象临刑的殉道者对于自己的苦难感到一种狂喜的幻觉。

    It is that of the entranced vision of the martyr to his torment .

  16. 圣塞巴斯蒂安是个基督教殉道者。

    St Sebastian was a Christian martyr .

  17. 基督教殉道者被用石块击毙。

    Christian martyrs were stoned to death .

  18. 也许人生中的任何幸福都不如殉道者的幸福的那样完美。&欧亨利

    Perhaps there is no happiness in life so perfect as the martyr . & O.Henry

  19. 布托的殉道者。那天在学校,所有人都静默无语,就连那些反对她的人也是。

    At school that day everyone was subdued , even those who had opposed Benazir .

  20. 列斯达:我的圣人,我的殉道者,“绝不取人性命”。

    LESTAT : My philosopher , my martyr . " Never take a human life . "

  21. 教皇格列高利三世将每年11月1日定为“众圣人节”,以此纪念圣人和殉道者。

    Pope Gregory III designated November1st All Saints'Day , a time to honor saints and martyrs .

  22. 首先,大家注意到,伊格那丢非常尽力地把自己塑造成一个伟大的殉道者。

    First , you notice how much Ignatius makes himself out to be this great martyr .

  23. 民初言情小说的悲剧意识操守完美的殉道者&民初言情小说与晚明戏曲小说、五四爱情文学中的女性形象之比较

    Tragic Consciousness of Love Stories in Late Qing and Early ROC Martyrs With Perfect Moral Integrity

  24. 为殉道者复仇突击队

    Commando for the Avenge of Martyrs

  25. 早期的基督教殉道者

    The early Christian martyrs

  26. 她也想恭敬殉道者的圣髑,拜访他们位于地下的陵墓。

    She wanted to honor the relics of the martyrs and visit their graves down in the catacombs .

  27. 根据发展中的基督教义,殉道者不必等待复活。

    Well , according to developing Christian ideas , martyrs didn 't have to wait for the resurrection .

  28. 这些极端分子,这些持不同政见的团体,他们煽动人们做殉道者。

    These extremists , these dissident groups , they call on the population to go to be martyrs .

  29. 上节课我已经讲过一个观念,那就是,殉道者非常接近上帝。

    You have this idea I 've talked about last time , that martyrs are especially close to God .

  30. 基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者。

    Confessor : One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom .